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Modulus love

Man and Mer

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I've been playing a used Quantum 5 at my Guitar Center every time I go in for a few months now. To me, it's the best sounding and playing modern-style bass I've ever played. I absolutely love it. There's so much aggression, but it can be EQ'd out pretty much just from the onboard controls. The slap sound is nice and clear without getting "plinky" like a lot of active basses I've played. I like it. It's a shame it's $2400. :cry: Which, as I've learned, isn't much for a Quantum 5, but it's still way too much for a guy in high school to buy.


So here's what I'm wondering. Could I get a similar sounding bass by getting a Warmoth body, active electronics, and a graphite neck? Is this one of those "sum of the parts is the whole" deals? Because if it is it would cost about half of a Modulus. Just wondering if this is a sound idea. :confused:

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You probably wont really be truely happy unless you get a real modulus. You may at first, but i'd bet by 6 months, you still want the modulus.





You can get a Q5 for a lot less than $2400 if you watch Ebay or Bass NW. You'll be much more satisfied in the end if you get the bass you want.

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That's what I figured. I guess I'll just save up for a while longer. I'd like to keep my tradition of keeping every instrument I buy running. Unfortunately, it might be a while because of band expenditures, as I'm guitarist in a (power? maybe ;) ) trio, and right now we're trying to get our asses in gear. But if saving for a while means getting the bass I really want, then I'm game. Thanks guys. I probably would have reached this conclusion on my own, but you guys are like a microwave: a hella lot faster than an oven, but you leave the food all limp and spongy. :freak:



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I bought a Modulus Q5 for $1500 at GC this past July. Check my sig for it...it's an 04' model w/ bartonlini pups...really nice!!!



Pretty sharp. The one I've been playing on is a purple quilt top. And nice Yamaha! I don't think a bass could get any more Sheehan than that without converting to Scientology.

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I love my modulus. If you like the bass but not the price look out on ebay. About 6 years ago I got my Sonic Hammer for about $900 because a chip in the finish. So just be patient and I am sure that you could find one for significantly less on the 'bay. And maybe even spend less than you would a completed project bass. Because I know from experience that they can get expensive fast.

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