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Calling all pedal junkies....

Daryl Chaney

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Im in NY tomorrow on a mission to get bass heavy Dirt pedals, and to find a solution to my current dirt line up.


I've finalized my search to->



ZVex - Woolly Mammoth :D

Frantone - Lo-Tone Bass Fuzz

Death By Audio - Soundwave Breakdown

Guyatone TZ-2



Fulltone - Bass Drive

Frantone - Bassweet

Ibanez - PD-7

Ibanez - LF-7



I've got a load of other dirt pedals which cut way too much low end (RAT, EHX Hot Tubes, Keeley Fuzz Head) ,I was thinking of looping these pedals, and sticking a graphic Eq (guyatone BE-2 - anygood??) into the loop to claw back the lost low end.

Has anyone attempted such a thing with bass? It works in theory, but it may result in a muddy mess. :freak:

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Never tried that, and I'd be willing to bet that you'd end up losing a bunch of signal in the process giving you a less than desirable tone. The more stuff you run your bass through, the more it loses when it finally comes out the other side. Your best bet to to head to a few shops and try stuff out. NY has everything you could ever find...you just need to know where to look.


Rudy's is a good shop...


Enjoy your trip. NY is a fun place, but it's not what people expect that have never been there before!!!

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I currently run 15 effects, and i love the tone coming out the other end, the run of effects cuts some treble and gain, thats about it.


I'll be bypassing 8 of those once i make my loop pedal.


I've heard some strange things about the PE - Depth Charge, some sounding completly different. But if i find one that gives me that chill i'll take that exact one.


The Fulltone bass drive is looking more and more attractive by the minute though. (cheaper than most and 2 gain stages)


Was in NY last september, cant wait till tomorrow. Heading straight to 30th street guitars when i get there, those guys were the coolest out of everyone i dealt with.

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