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Avatar 2X12 and Peavey Amp


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I've been doing some playing around with my two new toys - Avatar Neo 2X12 and Peavey amp. Awesome low end, great slapping tone - just for starters. Even at low volumes, this is awesome stuff.



what cab where you using before the avatar( i might just be a convert).the only thing i dont like about the avatar 212 ( and ive never played one before) is the size. its bigger than a conventional 410. with that size it better thump!

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I haven't played any Avatar cabs yet, but I'd give one a shot, if the opportunity presented itself...


As for Peavey - I play through different combinations of all Peavey rigs, and frequently get compliments on my sound - and even more so since I removed the Peavey badges and identifying trim from my cabs...


It's amazing how differently people perceive sound when they're forced to listen with their ears and not their eyes...




- georgestrings

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what cab where you using before the avatar( i might just be a convert).the only thing i dont like about the avatar 212 ( and ive never played one before) is the size. its bigger than a conventional 410. with that size it better thump!



Was using the Behringer combo listed in my signature, but just needed something a little bigger for gigging at clubs, concerts. I have learned much from this forum and the recommendations of an Avatar cab with a Peavey amp are right on the money for me. Have played through 410's before, and feel the 212 has a low end that I like better.

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