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what happened to heroes?


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The problem with American Idol is that they pre-empt absolutely everything for it. Sometimes it is on 3-4 times a week. I could easily avoid it if it were just a standard 30-60 minute slot once a week, but it isn't. I don't want to have to check the listings every day just to try and avoid 1 show.

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The problem with American Idol is that they pre-empt absolutely everything for it. Sometimes it is on 3-4 times a week. I could easily avoid it if it were just a standard 30-60 minute slot once a week, but it isn't. I don't want to have to check the listings every day just to try and avoid 1 show.



my television has more than one channel so it isn't a big deal for me.


once again :confused:

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it is supposed to start up again at the end of this month. there are commercials out for it right now.


as for the other show, i don't know or care what you have against it. you could always just not watch it like everyone else.


i dont like talentless hacks making a fortune off of other peoples songs, and i dont like watching perfectly good songs butchered on such a grand level. i may still be a noob at bass but not to music and i hear every little mistake most of which should not be made by people trying out for a recording contract.

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i dont like talentless hacks making a fortune off of other peoples songs, and i dont like watching perfectly good songs butchered on such a grand level. i may still be a noob at bass but not to music and i hear every little mistake most of which should not be made by people trying out for a recording contract.


well my advice for you is to not watch it. complaining about it is very stupid.


new heroes april 23rd!!! :D:thu:

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well my advice for you is to not watch it. complaining about it is very stupid.

new heroes april 23rd!!!


its getting hard to avoid it because no other station wants to put anything on in the same time slot. i cant make plans to be out of the house every day at that time it gets too expensive.

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i dont like talentless hacks making a fortune off of other peoples songs, and i dont like watching perfectly good songs butchered on such a grand level. i may still be a noob at bass but not to music and i hear every little mistake most of which should not be made by people trying out for a recording contract.



Talentless hacks? There are a few I don't like, but most are at least solid, and a few are VERY good! And the BAND (Rickey Minor's band) is always good!!!

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Somehow, I've managed to not see any AI installments this season.

I have no idea who is on the show, but I keep hearing about how Howard Stern is somehow keeping some {censored}ty performer on the show or some crap.




that is pretty funny. there is also a website votefortheworst.com that is doing the same thing. i just wonder if they can actually get the show cancelled by doing this.

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well...i don't watch network tv, but i am glad that there is a large movement out there to crush american idol, by making the worst one win....and it wont take much of that to destroy idol

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that is pretty funny. there is also a website votefortheworst.com that is doing the same thing. i just wonder if they can actually get the show cancelled by doing this.



They'll just change the format.


They will probably have a panel of 50 or so industry insiders whose votes will count for 50% and then the popular vote will be worth the other 50%. This gives the impression that the voice of the people still matters while preventing the election of a joke.

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They'll just change the format.

They will probably have a panel of 50 or so industry insiders whose votes will count for 50% and then the popular vote will be worth the other 50%. This gives the impression that the voice of the people still matters while preventing the election of a joke.




i'm surprised that it isn't pay per vote.

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its getting hard to avoid it because no other station wants to put anything on in the same time slot. i cant make plans to be out of the house every day at that time it gets too expensive.



Does your television not have an off button?


I get this vision of a man trapped in a house with a television that chases him around and won't turn off.

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I keep hearing how good Heroes is. I havnt seen any episodes yet, but I do plan on buying the first season when it comes out just off of word of mouth on how good this show is.



You have to watch it in order as every episode builds off the last. It's one continuous story. I initially wasn't planning on watching it, but I DVR'ed the first 6 episodes when they did a marathon on Sci-Fi and that got me hooked on the show. Definitely worth watching, it's been good so far. That and the new BattleStar Galactica are about all I watch except for the occasional History Channel show.

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Heroes is good but it's got a very soap-opera layout. So many intersecting storylines going on that you only get like about 5 minutes of advancement on all of them (sometimes some are missing).


I dunno, it's a fun story, an interesting concept and I'll keep watching it. It's one of only 3 shows I turn on my idiot box for:


1) Numb3rs

2) House

3) Heroes


That's it.

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that sounds like a plot to a made for tv movie or possibly a cartoon:D



I'm glad you saw the humor, looking back at that post it could have been read as insulting your intelligence. That is not how it was meant.


I see it as a short story, Twilight Zone style.

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