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Anyone sporting a Yamaha BB414?


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Been doing a bit of research, and read alot of good things about this bass. Seems to be a pretty top notch item for its price. Unfortunately, I can't find one to play around here to save my life, so I have zero actual experience with it. So, anyone care to chime in about it? And the other thing, I read a ton about yamaha's quality control being very good, would anyone trust this for an online order?



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I've played a few 414's and they have all been excellent.

The neck is very similar to a P bass, its quite fat but not overly so.

You can get some nice sounds from it too. That P pup is all thump and the J gives it an edge.

The 3 way selector switch is a nice touch too. Its all passive with just 1 vol and 1 tone pot so its all plug n play. I'd get the orange one personally but the other colour looks good also.

I played the last one after I played a MIM Jazz and the Yamaha made the Fender seem like something that you'd expect to come from some kid who'd borrowed his dads hacksaw in comparison. It was finished nicely, all frets were in good shape, nice set up, the works. Couldn't go wrong. If you'd prefer active elecs, go for the 614. You can get them around for not much more dosh. That said, the 414 is a great bass.

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