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the ugliest guitars ever !


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unique as they are, it just goes to show that there are no more good ideas left.


It is really a shame for all other Guitar manufacturers that Fender, Ric and Gibson came up with design and function never to be equaled by any other......

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It is really a shame for all other Guitar manufacturers that Fender, Ric and Gibson came up with design and function never to be equaled by any other......



I sure hope this is supposed to be sarcastic. 'Cause otherwise, are you serious???

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Yea, I am serious


Dood, you really need to broaden your guitar horizons. There are tons of guitars out there that aren't gibson, fender or ric, and tons that have better design and function. Hell, most Ibanez guitars smoke any gibby or fender in the function department, by a HUGE margin. But you're right, most of these would never equal the fenders and gibsons. They would leave them behind.:cool:

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Dood, you really need to broaden your guitar horizons. There are tons of guitars out there that aren't gibson, fender or ric, and tons that have better design and function. Hell, most Ibanez guitars smoke any gibby or fender in the function department, by a HUGE margin. But you're right, most of these would never equal the fenders and gibsons. They would leave them behind.




hey man, just an opinion thats all....


look at anyone on a stage/famous/videos and what not......its Les Paul/Strat/Tele/P or J bass. {censored} man as much as people prop them up you Rarely see anyone on stage with a Ric bass.


the only time is see anything not one of those or a 5 or 6 string bass is some kinda Latin music where I can barely hear the bass anyway.....

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look at anyone on a stage/famous/videos and what not......its Les Paul/Strat/Tele/P or J bass. {censored} man as much as people prop them up you Rarely see anyone on stage with a Ric bass.


I don't blame the instruments for the player's in famous video's failure to recognize superior quality and function.:D

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That guy needs to put away the bong, and the D&D set, and move out of his parent's basement!



Ummm, 'scuse me, real D&D doesn't use a "set".


But yeah, the guy's stuff does seem to indicate too much weed and cheesey fantasy.

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When I take a walk amongst the guitars on stage for the local venue, I'll see a number of Fenders, Gibsons, PRS and next to no off-brands. Lots of Modulus basses, a few Sadowskis, and Fenders out the yin-yang. Not very many exotics (Alembics). Very few Rics. It may be though, that the touring folks like rugged & reliable over exotic, depending on the type of act.:thu:

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It may be though, that the touring folks like rugged & reliable over exotic, depending on the type of act.


Then it makes sense that they'd all be playing Peavey basses then, wouldn't it.:cool: It amuses me that anything non traditional is always viewed as less reliable, or quirky and not very functional.

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Then it makes sense that they'd all be playing Peavey basses then, wouldn't it.
It amuses me that anything non traditional is always viewed as less reliable, or quirky and not very functional.


Right on. I like traditional for the sake of being traditional, not because there is some higher mark of reliability or functionality. I think you see those basses on stage most because most bass players aren't exposed to more than what's hanging on the wall at their local shop and those are the instruments hanging on the wall at their local shops.

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I think I was too old for that stuff when it came out.




Iron Kingdoms is ftw. Most of the guys I play IK with are over 30...most in their 40's actually...and all are married...weird, eh?

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Dood, you really need to broaden your guitar horizons. There are tons of guitars out there that aren't gibson, fender or ric, and tons that have better design and function. Hell, most Ibanez guitars smoke any gibby or fender in the function department, by a HUGE margin. But you're right, most of these would never equal the fenders and gibsons. They would leave them behind.




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