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Should I trust this auction?


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They're not bad - I had one for a while - more than about $100 is too much.




I'm more worried about the dude having 6 feedback and no picture...

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I wouldn't worry about it myself. I can't see a big problem with 6 feedback, but I might be a bit too trusting. I've never actually seen a eBayer with a picture, btw.

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I wouldn't worry about it myself. I can't see a big problem with 6 feedback, but I might be a bit too trusting. I've never actually seen a eBayer with a picture, btw.



Picture of the item. ;>_>

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As a general rule of thumb, if you're even REMOTELY suspicious of an auction, it's always best to pass on it.


It may be a good deal, but if it goes bad you're out the cash and still have no pedal.


As for a decent distiorion pedal, you can get a few boutique distortion pedals for pretty cheap. Head over to the Effects board and they'll be able to recommend a ton of stuff. :thu:

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How much are you willing to spend on a decent distortion pedal?



Not much.


I was kinda hoping to keep it below $50, which is why I'mma goin' used.

Decent by my standards means good enough for bedroom practice and the occasional gig.


I especially like this one because I know the tones are useable, as I've used my friend's Boss modeler thingy on more than one occasion, and it's got the four saveable settings...


So yeah, I really like this one so I don't need 8 million distortion pedals.

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Not much.

I was kinda hoping to keep it below $50, which is why I'mma goin' used.

Decent by my standards means good enough for bedroom practice and the occasional gig.

I especially like this one because I know the tones are useable, as I've used my friend's boss modeler thingy on more than one occasion, and it's got the four saveable settings...

So yeah, I really like this one so I don't need 8 million distortion pedals.


Have you looked at the pedals James Hart posted from http://www.olcircuits.com? A lot of those kits come in right about the $50 mark. If you aren't able to build one yourself, you might be able to find a fellow forumite that would be kind enough to build one for you at no charge other than shipping it to you when I'm, I mean that forumite, is finished. :thu:

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Haha, yeah.

But see I'm still sold on that saveable settings thing...


Like I said, I wanna have one pedal that I can have a bunch of different sounds without tweedling knobs.


I'm sure those pedals probably sound wayyyyy better than anything Boss makes, but the saving and the 20-something different patches look reallll nice to me so I can find out what I like and have plenty of different tones at my fingers.


(P.S. muchomuchomucho appreciation for that offer, btw.)

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I totally understand, just wanted to make sure you knew the offer was there.


I don't trust eBay auctions that make me question whether I can trust them. If it is a product I want, I contact the seller and have him get in touch with me personally. Once I have confirmation of who the person is in real life (a confirmed work phone number is always a plus), then I go with the auction. If it is a high priced item, I often do a scan of all the public databases (mostly government databases) to see what I can learn about the seller. A high turnover in addresses and pseudonyms are usually bad signs. This has saved me a couple of times. :thu:

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I totally understand, just wanted to make sure you knew the offer was there.

I don't trust eBay auctions that make me question whether I can trust them. If it is a product I want, I contact the seller and have him get in touch with me personally. Once I have confirmation of who the person is in real life (a confirmed work phone number is always a plus), then I go with the auction. If it is a high priced item, I often do a scan of all the public databases (mostly government databases) to see what I can learn about the seller. A high turnover in addresses and pseudonyms are usually bad signs. This has saved me a couple of times.



I'm gonna watch a few other ones that are up and see how high they go.

If they stay low enough, I'll jump on one.


Once again, thank you veryyyyy much senor Kindness.

Your name fits you very well. :wave:


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