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Hey all im getting ready to start building a new rig at the 1st of the year and im driving myself up a wall to many choices!!! seems like there are more companies then ever in the bass amp biz. ive been playing bass about 12 years and moving into more solo playing, just hanging with a cover band to help pay for my gear and keep the wife happy. right now im using a peavey max 450 head with a 1x15 and a 2x10 cab not bad for my studio but blows ass on stage no balls and the 10's get really muddy at high volume. now the guy at the local music store suggests that i just change to a 4x10 cab use a pa power amp and a 2 channel crossover a pre amp and an eq, not a bad idea only im not buying it from him he only sells peavey and im not wanting to use peavey anymore. ive got it narrowed down to the following,

Genz Benz GBE750 head with a 1x18 cab and a 4x10 cab

swr working class head with same cab set up

carvin bx1200

or the suggestion from the music store guy

with any of the above i do intend on using a x-over to keep the highs from getting muddy

any suggestions would help i know you guys see these type of post all the time so im sorry for another one

thanx all

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Don't apologise for the post. This is what the bass forum is for!

The Poweramp and Pre option is certainly viable but just curious about your cab configuration.

It seems like you're trying to get more volume with a 410/118 set-up. To be honest, you don't see quite as many people going for the 118 these days and most will opt for a second 410 as many brands give you plenty of low end and work more efficiently. Other options for that smooth low-end phatness are 115's or 212 cabs.

I'm not trying to sway you away from the 118 as at the end of the day it comes down to what sounds the best to you.

I've probably only succeeded in confusing you more and apologies for that, but it is definately worth exploring some of these options if you are starting from scratch again with more modern gear.

You amp choices should handle what your situation requires though.

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im looking for a rig that the lows thunder and the highs cut thru the all the guitar clutter. my band has a really bad habbit of keeping the guitars well above the bass and it tends to &^%% me the *)^% off to no end. but im in small town iowa and not alot of choises for bands to play with.

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im looking for a rig that the lows thunder and the highs cut thru the all the guitar clutter. my band has a really bad habbit of keeping the guitars well above the bass and it tends to &^%% me the *)^% off to no end. but im in small town iowa and not alot of choises for bands to play with.



The two 410's that I'm using are voiced a bit differently and I get all of what you describe along with being able to nail any guitarists balls to the wall if I need to.

My 410XST cab gives me plenty of thundering lows whilst being a smooth as silk. My 410XLT has plenty of that mid-range bark needed to cut through the mix and be heard and felt.

I brought both my cabs sight unseen and have never regretted it. They sound very nice indeed. But thats just what I'm going through and there are plenty of guys here with other set-ups well worth considering.

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