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ER bills are RIDICULOUS!!!!!


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Ok, I actually have some good news!

Apparently, a few weeks ago I got a "medical insurance" survey in the mail that I opened up, and tossed aside, thinking "it's just for stats or something, I'll do it later.


Well, my wife calls the hospital billing dept. today to inquire about the bills we got, and apparently (even though the 500 dollar bill said "after insurance") the insurance hadnt paid ANY of the bigger bill.


Turns out that the survey was needed to update my records so that they WOULD pay things like ER bills and such. (so dont throw ANYTHING aside from your insurance companies.... hahaha)


Apparently they ARE paying 80% of that bill, so I only owe a couple hundred altogether, instead of 700.


There is one thing that kills me though. My wife asked about the physicians bill for like 135 bucks.


The physician saw her for literally less than 2 minutes, just to sign her papers, and left. Nothing else.


Turns out physicians get a flat rate whether they see you for 2 minutes, or an hour. Doesnt matter.


My wife was like "dang... if I'd had know that, I would have asked for more of his time, had him tell me a story, or something!. Next time I'm getting my money's worth!"


Anyway, I'm more than happy about these developements, and I appreciate all the advice about looking into it. Looks like it paid off! LITERALLY!

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