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band of the day: Slowdive


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I guess sometimes I am a morose SOB. Mayhap I will try to post some more upbeat stuff.....of course it could have something to do with fall fast approaching and the fact that I have Seasonal Affective Disorder...



Just making sure you're okay. Speaking of SAD, I'm thinking of getting a sunlight lamp this year to help.

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Just making sure you're okay. Speaking of SAD, I'm thinking of getting a sunlight lamp this year to help.


hey thanks. that is very kind of you to care so much about me, a virtual stranger. yeah, I know how to deal with my depressive tendencies now....the full-spectrum lamp does wonders for you. You see everyone needs the vitamins (and essentially the serotonin) that the sun's rays provide....(without serotonin production, you cannot properly produce melotonin-the polar opposite of serotonin- which is the neurotransmitter that allows you to sleep....without sleep, emotions and thought get stuck in a vicious cycle of nonexistence and "muddling")in those gray fall/winter months, this sun is hard to come by. My psychiatrist says 30 minutes in the lamp is like 10 minutes of full-on sunlight, which is the best you can get sometimes in the winter. I find it helps me. I guess I just came out of the womb melancholic. I find sadness to be one of the most real emotions there is...(after all, there is not dark without light; no happiness without sadness)and it lends to creativity, as long as that muse does not swallow one whole with its tempest... guess I like slow, sad ambient music quite a bit.....but really my tastes go all over the board. best of luck to anybody else that may have SAD... :wave::)

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