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What Makes A "Sexy" Singing Voice?


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Sorry about all the new topics I've made on this section, and my overactive over welcome :D


As I've been focusing in on vocalists lately, I've come up with quite a few questions. One question I have is....what is a "sexy" singing voice?


I'm basically talking about male's voices, so I think this would be a good topic for women to jump into. It's weird because I've heard it used to describe so many different types of vocalists.


So a couple questions....


What makes a "sexy" singing voice?


Which singers have a "sexy" singing voice?



From a male's perspective on female singers, I think I find a little bit of a deeper tone to a woman's voice sexy....I know that probably doesn't sound right :lol:


So...is it the tone of the voice, is it the power/quality, or is it the emotion, etc.?

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Well, I'm a woman, but I'm gay so I find women's voices sexier than guy's, and in my personal opinion, a woman's voice with a bit of grit and a bit of deepness and strongness is REALLY sexy to me. And also someone who has different shades to their voice. Grace Slick for instance...I LOVE her voice. She could do a really strident sort of strong type of voice, but also occasionally a softer sort of smooth satin-type voice...GORGEOUS!


Stevie Nicks I find sexy in terms of voice as it's all gritty and stuff...


I enjoy listening to people like Karen Carpenter, Joan Baez and stuff, and they've got great voices, but to me, they're not sexy. They're too sweet and pure to be sexy to me. *shrug*

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I'm a heterosexual male, can I add what I find sexy? lol


I too find low female voices sexy, for example Grace Jones' low talk singing is very sexy to me. On the otherhand, Mariah Carey's whispery and sometimes raspy high notes are sexy to me. I would say sexy is one of the main qualities in their voices, which is pretty rare, and kinda cool. lol


Examples of sexy female voices lol:




(okay this song is uhh...LOL)
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what kind of music are you doing? justin timberlake? johnny cash? elvis presley? axl rose? the artist formerly known as prince? i'm sure you'll find lots of people who vary what they prefer.


i would suggest finding your own voice and then tweaking it until you find a 'sexy' whatever it is you seek. getting some people to critique will probably help, but remember that everyone finds people's voices sexy for different reasons.

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I'm a heterosexual guy, and the voices of Robert Plant, Freddie Mercury, Jeff Buckley, David Bowie, Peter Hammill and Mark Boals are sufficient for turning me on.


I think the voice has to be powerful, and reflect a certain level of confidence.


But in the end, it's all down to personal preference.

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what kind of music are you doing? justin timberlake? johnny cash? elvis presley? axl rose? the artist formerly known as prince? i'm sure you'll find lots of people who vary what they prefer.

i would suggest finding your own voice and then tweaking it until you find a 'sexy' whatever it is you seek. getting some people to critique will probably help, but remember that everyone finds people's voices sexy for different reasons.




Well, I'm not necessarily trying to change my voice to sound sexy. I'm just kind of curious why some people consider one singer's voice to be sexier than another person's. It's something that I just find interesting.


Normally, you would think that a deeper and stronger voice would represent a more masculine man. However, you see a lot of women who get lost in the voice of a higher and softer singer....say Jeff Buckley....or maybe it is simply the passion that he sings with.


Overall, it probably doesn't matter....a musician/singer is going to be attractive to women on some weird level. I've talked with women who think that John Lennon was so dreamy....somehow I don't think it has much to do with his voice or physical appearance.


My 2 favorite singers...Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder were both somewhat sex symbols of rock music of their time. Was it the voice? The looks? I don't know. This is such a subjective topic that maybe it was a bad idea starting this thread.

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I know what I don't find sexy--the self-consciously breathy femme fatale approach. Its 100% phony and I and just about every other male can spot it a mile away.


Let's be honest. A lot of it has to do with the physical appearance of the singer, at least female singers.


Past that, its the ability to sell the song.


Past that, its chops and self-confidence, Grace Slick and Anita O'Day.


Males? I suspect its that intimate personal connection that works for males. Frank Sinatra got away with singing love songs decades after his bobby-sox era. If you don't believe me, dial up an aged Joao Gilberto singing 'Corcovado' before a live audience in Sao Paulo in 1997 on You Tube. Joao wasn't much to look at as a young man, let alone an old coot. The females in the audience look like they are about to melt. Their boyfriends have expressions of their face that seems to say: "This is the best $80 I ever spent!".

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