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BX1200 vs Mackie 1400


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ok, THIS is one of those "not this {censored} again threads"

I was just offered an even trade... my carvin bx1200 for a mackie 1400 watt power amp. I'll be getting Renfields Bass Pod Xt Live within the next week or so. I want to do away with my carvin head... and run the pod straight into a power amp.

The Carvin sells new for 500... the Mackie for 400, but I'm GUESSING that the Mackie stuff holds its value better than carvin, at least its resale value... am I right that this would be an ok trade?

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IME, whenever someone is offering an even trade on an item, they think they're trading something they don't really like for something they might really like. I'd hang on to the Carvin if for no other reason than you know what you have in hand and there's no mystery about it.


If you're searching for some kind of tone upgrade, breaking off even trades with people isn't going to get you what you're looking for, especially if you're not satisfied with what you're trading away in the first place.


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IME, whenever someone is offering an even trade on an item, they think they're trading something they don't really like for something they might really like. I'd hang on to the Carvin if for no other reason than you know what you have in hand and there's no mystery about it.

If you're searching for some kind of tone upgrade, breaking off even trades with people isn't going to get you what you're looking for, especially if you're not satisfied with what you're trading away in the first place.




I'm not really looking for a tone upgrade... I want something transparent. I want to use just a power amp instead of a bass amp. I don't have complaints about the sound of the carvin... I just don't want something with a built in pre-amp anymore.

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I'm not really looking for a tone upgrade... I want something transparent. I want to use just a power amp instead of a bass amp. I don't have complaints about the sound of the carvin... I just don't want something with a built in pre-amp anymore.



You can't get the full power output from a power amp without an appropriately matched preamp.

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would the pod xt live work for that or would I need a rack style pre-amp



I'm not familiar with the output voltage of the pod xt live, nor the input sensitivity of of the power amp you are talking about. If the manufacturer's publish meaningful specs, you can get the information from them. If not, you're playing a guessing game.

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The preamp has to have the ability to put out greater than or equal to the power amp's input sensitivity voltage. If it can't, you won't make full use of the power available in the power amp.


A clean boost pedal could probably bring it up if the pod is too quiet .

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There is almost no difference tonally based on power amps (as far as PA power amps go).


Do this:

1) get yourself a preamp

2) run the preamp out into the Carvin's effects in, or power amp in (it will have one of those two) - this should bypass the preamp of the Carvin, since you're not running anything out of the carvin into the loop.

3) See if you like this.


That will tell you if you like using the Pod as a pre. Me, I found that the Pod as a preamp was not terribly good.


The poweramps in the Carvin Bx1200 are almost surely VERY similar to the DCM power amplifiers. So using it like that will do it fine.



Then, when you want to get a power amp, do yourself a favor and buy one of the only two I have found with a good input voltage for bass preamps:

1) Crest CA* series.

2) QSC PLX series


Both of those have input voltage right around 1v (.775v for the Crest) which is right about what most bass preamps put out (GK 2001 RBP for example).

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ferget all this madness!! i went through this faze of wantin,tryin,askin,etc,etc. SELL YOUR CARVIN GEAR,TAKE THE CASHOLA,BUY A MARKBASS LITTLE MARK HEAD THEYRE TRANSPARENT AS HELL,BUY THE MARKBASS 2X10 CAB, and weight issues,sound reliability issues S O L V E D!!!!!!!! btw at gc in toledo,the markbass gear is on sale,in store coupon thingy,like 50.00 off the amp,blah,blah,blah!! cum to toledo tommorrow mornin,say,10-oclockish am, ill buy you a buffet breakfast at golden corral,we will eat,drink,be merry,THEN ONLY THEN,we make our way to guitar center for a FULLLLLLLL DAAAYYYYY of test drives!!!!! ps I WILL SHUTTLE YOU+FAMILY ROUND IF YOU WANT SO AS TO SAVE ALLLLL YOUR ENERGY for our guitar center outing!!! piece-bro!!!!!!

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thanks!1 i also had a little fun at gc as well,when a couple o guitard guys showed up and started playing rythems,leads trade offs,WELL I JUST HAD TO JOIN IN!! and grabbed the NEW SCHECTER and plugged the markbass head into the ampeg 4x10 cab wit da dolly handles+wheels,i think it was 799.00,after a 1-2 hour wankfest ,a little kid,kinda pudgy,double chin,round harry potter type glasses,bout13-yrs old tells me that i was a very good bass player+his dad smiled at me says i was great,i says fat guys my age dont get complments much,evan at my smallish shows it always the young,long haired guys gettin the love,the little kid says yeah i know as he looks down at the ground .:cry:

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You just need two good (preferably 4 ohm) cabs. Sound starts with the speakers. That amp you have (with two good 4 ohm cabs) is almost like having two MB amps in the same head (400w RMS X 2).

I wish I ordered 4 ohm cabs from Dr. Bass, but I could still get extra volume if I choose to BRIDGE both amps together in mono.

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You just need two good (preferably 4 ohm) cabs. Sound starts with the speakers. That amp you have (with two good 4 ohm cabs) is almost like having two MB amps in the same head (400w RMS X 2).

I wish I ordered 4 ohm cabs from Dr. Bass, but I could still get extra volume if I choose to BRIDGE both amps together in mono.



I like the sound I have with the pod running into the effects return... so I CAN get the sound I have with what I've got...

I just figure, if I'm using an amp head... part of the value of that head is tied up in pre amp and eq and power amp. if I had the same value tied up in JUST a power amp, logic would suggest that it would be a better quality power amp.

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If you're still interested, BP magazine says you can run different effects thru each amp on the BX1200 by using a TRS cable with a Y adapter.

I want to try running my Sansamp thru AMP2 on mine, just applying the disortion to my 3-way cab (leaving my low cab clean).

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