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need some dire advice


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I'd love to, but I don't see any way of playing the song without downloading it and playing it through a media player on my computer. This process is time-consuming and potentially dangerous, so I usually don't do it. Perhaps you should load your song using a site that supports streaming? (Soundclick or MySpace, for example.)


I look forward to hearing your singing!

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Okay, thanks for the MySpace link. You seem to have some pitch problems, but nothing that can't be worked through. Actually, it's hard to hear your voice because you have it mixed relatively low against the guitar. The first thing you need to do is bring your voice out in front a bit more.


If you haven't spent serious time practicing the vocals, paying really focused attention to the melody, then that's your best option. If you have already worked hard on nailing the pitches, and this is the best you can do, then the next step would be to get some lessons. You should be able to work through your pitch problems in relatively short order with a good teacher. You voice has a good natural tone to it, so it really would be worth the $$$ to take lessons.


Oh, and I like the song a lot! :thu:

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