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Nemesis N8JR?


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Anyone ever tried/heard one of these? I cant find a review anywhere. I know many of you will tell me to just buy brand x amp for $200 but thats not my question.


My second choice would be an Ashdown after eight. I like the fact that it has an ext. cab out so I could build a 2x10 cab for it at some point.


just want something to play along with the stereo kinda deal. the cheaper the better but dont want it to sound like total crap.

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I had a Nemesis 4x10 combo, that had no fan in the back.


I would be at practice and I would get more and more silent till there would be no sound at all, and the control pannel would be hot to the touch. :confused:


I don't know if that was a one off problem, or not but that lead me to get a more "pro" rig

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