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OT: 'Puter Geekers!!!!


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I'm sorry about taping your buns together. . .[/breakfastclub]


I've got an error message that "this application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


I'm not running any particular application I know of when this pops up. I was getting it when I loaded astromomy.com's home page.


Any help much appreciated. I'm running Vista and I keep getting other programs I try to download that won't load because this PC is 64-bit. If that helps.


Again, sorry for the tape.:D

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I've got an error message that "this application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

I'm not running any particular application I know of when this pops up. I was getting it when I loaded astromomy.com's home page.

Any help much appreciated. I'm running Vista and I keep getting other programs I try to download that won't load because this PC is 64-bit. If that helps.

Again, sorry for the tape.


Vista? :rolleyes: Well, for missing DLL's, just Google it, read what it's for (in this case it's a Visual C Runtime library file) and download it if it's nothing malicious.


And is "astromomy" a typo of "astronomy" or "astromommy"? :p


EDIT: From further reading it looks like this error can also be from an infection. Have you done a virus scan since this started popping up?

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Well, for missing DLL's, just Google it, read what it's for (in this case it's a Visual C Runtime library file) and download it if it's nothing malicious.

And is "astromomy" a typo of "astronomy" or "astromommy"?

EDIT: From further reading it looks like this error can also be from an infection. Have you done a virus scan since this started popping up?


Yup. I've got AVG free, Comodo firewall plus the built-in firewall. I have downloaded lots of stuff though, loading software. No tellin. . .:( I've got stuff running right now trying to get a fix. I just bought Registry Cleaner. It said I had like 1800 different problems that it fixed. I'm on my third run through that program making sure nothing got missed. I've also run a scan with AVG.

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search your windows folder for that msvcr71.dll. There might be a backup copy you can copy back to the windowssysWOW64 folder. Use the latest dated version you can find.



The weird thing is, once I switched browsers there was no issue. I went to the same sites that were having issues and--nothing. No fail of any flavor. So the same .dll file is now working fine to post whatever applicable data. So my conclusion is that Google Chrome either had a bug or wasn't getting along with Vista somehow.


SysWOW64? Seems like the other fix pages I was looking at had me using a different folder. It was under Systems, like Sys32 I think. Does 32 and 64 refer back to 32-bit or 64-bit, I wonders?

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