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2 version of I'm Yours


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When you start out, it's very nice (especially on the first one). But once you try to go absolutely anywhere from that position, it's not so nice and off-pitch. I didn't listen to them more than halfway through each because it's the same issues as before.


I wish I could be in front of you and help you as you're singing because you're so damn close and its such an easy fix...and such a common issue.


It really sounds like you're "pulling chest" when you try to move around and tensing up. When you breathe to sing, your chest shouldn't really move. Your stomach and below your ribs should expand. Even aside from pitch, maybe try just relaxing and singing the song at a much slower tempo and really feeling out each note. Try playing just the vocal melody on the guitar and sing over that to make sure you're where you want to be. I don't play guitar, so if that's difficult, try recording the vocals on guitar and then sing to that.

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I'll be honest in saying singing a Jason Mraz song is probably one of the toughest things to do and make it sound half as good because of the purity in the tone of voice. I'll say it wasn't bad, but there are those...parts where you seem like you're stretching for the ability to play with the note(I don't know any technical words). Seems very un-smoothe like if you were to look at a soundwave, it would not gradually transition, but rather transition in sudden steps (instead of being quiet, gradually getting louder, it just goes quiet to loud). I'd say keep working at it, listen to yourself and ask yourself, what sounds wrong? That's what I have been doing over the years w/ very minimal formal training.


Other than some pitch and sustaining of notes(breathing maybe) problems, it seems fine. It's not american idol fine, but its not bad at all.

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I'm not a singing expert, but I thought you did fine, and agree with some of the points above.


Jason Mraz is the model I'm using for improving my singing. His usual key is very very high, and its forcing me to constantly push what I'm capable of doing.


Do you sing any other Mraz songs? Plane is another good one. It starts out fairly low, then builds higher and higher. Rather than the standard verse-chorus structure, he constantly makes each verse and chorus higher and higher. If you look at the waveform in Audacity, its like a cone, building in intensity. Great song. So far I can comfortably do half of it until it gets too high for me.

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You are posting two takes, means your serious!! :-D


To me it sounds your really working hard on your vocals! Nice work. I can hear you are really into this. Now try to make the same noise without so much breath. That is remove the airy leak sounds, it seems you are putting air on the voice, maybe liberate, but don't overdo it.


Nice, keep on!:D

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i just want to sound good. I need to start up vocal lessons again. Jason Mraz is my "vocal idol"


it pisses me off cause he has such a pleasant sounding voice to listen to, and i feel mine sounds like {censored}.


i just want to achieve a similar range as him. i know it will sound deeper because i have a bigger voice then he does, but it is possible.

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i just want to sound good....

it pisses me off cause he has such a pleasant sounding voice to listen to, and i feel mine sounds like *


You have a good sounding voice so you should quit worrying that you sound like 'excrement'.

I'm no expert either but I do pretty much agree with the stuff the others posted about.

I also agree that the first one was the best of the two and the start of that song was very pleasant to my ears :thu:



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