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Recs for 4 string bass around $500?


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I'm a guitar player - but want to lay down my own bass tracks at home for rough demos. I don't know anything at all about bass guitars, and I don't want to throw away money on a crap bass. I know I want a simple 4 string electric bass - maybe Carvin? Ibanez? etc. I would buy it used off ebay or something like that. Budget maximum is about $400 or $500. Input appreciated.

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A standard Precision will do you right to start, but a G&L Tribute SB-2 or L-2000 would be another good choice at that price.



I love the L-2000. But I think a precision is a better recommendation for a guitar player interested in laying down tracks.


The P has nothing to fiddle with, get confused about, or mess up. Plug in, turn everything to full, and go for the perfect recording sound.

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Hey, if you have that much to spend, I would recommend a 50's MIM Precision bass (used if you can find one, should be easy on the 'bay).


Honestly, especialy for tracking, best bang for your buck and great resale value. But it's such a great axe (IMO) you will probably keep it. Well made, great pups and neck.

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one of my guitar player friends, said that he walked into GC and tried several bass guitars (he just needed it for laying down some tracks at home) - and his favorite sound was from an active pickup bass and easy to play thin neck of an Ibanez SRX series bass - something like this




Any opinions on the active pickup sound versus passive, and these SRX Ibanez guitars? Non of you guys mentioned Ibanez for some reason?


I know that for regular guitars, the Ibanez necks are unbeatable for playability if you have small hands

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If you are going to just record with it at home, I don't think the neck is a huge concern. Fenders (especially P) were suggested because you can just plug in, record and voila - it works and it sounds good. Active basses will often require more effort. The SRX is a fine bass, but a Fender is what you are looking for.

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one of my guitar player friends, said that he walked into GC and tried several bass guitars (he just needed it for laying down some tracks at home) - and his favorite sound was from an active pickup bass and easy to play thin neck of an Ibanez SRX series bass - something like this

Any opinions on the active pickup sound versus passive, and these SRX Ibanez guitars? Non of you guys mentioned Ibanez for some reason?

I know that for regular guitars, the Ibanez necks are unbeatable for playability if you have small hands



The problem with this "favorite sound" is it sounds great when you're playing it solo. It sounds very alive. Which, if all you're doing is playing bass, sounds great. However, when you are trying to put together an entire song, what you want is a basic P. For recording, the general rule is passive, either a precision or jazz pickup(s). And the precision is held in better regard than the jazz.

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Hello members of this great forum!

I have the same question. I'm a guitarist and I need a bass to record with. Exept my budget is a little tighter max 300$. I'm mostly planning on using it for pop/rock/metal so I guess I need something p-bassish? I've found these basses. Anyone you guys can recommend?








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The EPI and the ESP look pretty decent there.
A Yamaha RBX374 is a rippin bass for around 340.00 US.


:thu: The RBX374 is down to $300 now, and can be had thru tomorrow for only $240 with MF's current 'Gift Certificate' special.


A very decent bass at that price!

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