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Saw Dragonforce tonight.


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Good show. Despite what I've heard a few of you say about their performance and how drunk/loose they can be, they were tight as hell tonight. And.....drum roll.....



I could hear the bass. :thu:



Fun show. Very entertaining.

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I've seen them when they were only 3 shows into their first American tour. Cleveland show. It was STELLAR. It was exactly what I expected, and crushed our faces.


Then I saw them on their second tour, at Harpo's in Detroit. Horrible. ZP's voice was completely gone, the guitarists were drunk and sloppy, their new bassist was lost on stage and fell over a few times. But at least Dave their drummer was still perfect as usual.


Then I saw them on the Mayhem tour, and they were good, not flawless, but definitely good.



So they're a crap shoot, whether they'll have a good performance the night you see them. Heh heh.

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I've seen them when they were only 3 shows into their first American tour. Cleveland show. It was STELLAR. It was exactly what I expected, and crushed our faces.

Then I saw them on their second tour, at Harpo's in Detroit. Horrible. ZP's voice was completely gone, the guitarists were drunk and sloppy, their new bassist was lost on stage and fell over a few times. But at least Dave their drummer was still perfect as usual.

Then I saw them on the Mayhem tour, and they were good, not flawless, but definitely good.

So they're a crap shoot, whether they'll have a good performance the night you see them. Heh heh.



Seems like it's a function of how much booze is flowing and how the singer's voice is holding up. The singer did well last night. Only a couple of times when he sounded a little weak. He hit some inhuman notes, too. What really surprised me was how he handled some passages...at times it sounded like he was out of breath...done. Then out of nowhere without even taking in air, he hit an ungodly high, wailing note. It was impressive.


The guitars, drums, and bass kept pouring it on all night. The one guitar player, Sam, was the only one that really seemed to drink on stage. Could have been for show, or he could have been trashed, but his stage show was still good and as far as I could tell, he didn't miss a note. :idk:


It also surprised me that, given their reputation for being a hit-or-miss, drink-too-much kinda band, that they did so well last night. It was a Sunday night in Cincinnati. The crowd was lively, but barely filled a quarter of Bogart's. They delivered, regardless.

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