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Question for Trauma Luna


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hahaha.. well.. maybe you are curiously meeting the crazy ones, two years ago, i had a girlfriend who tried to kill me with a golf club haha.. well i think that many women in Mexico are acting like this because Senate approved a law that alows women to demand men for whatever they want.. or they consider mistreatment, but thats in case of marriage only.. in your case haha well, where are you living? if you are living, in Sinaloa, Guadalajara, Veracruz, or Durango, thats the problem, every woman from there is freakin crazy >_>

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No I live in the most north eastern point but they are still just as crazy. Ive been stalked twice. Had one ex-girlfriend who wouldnt leave my house and I had to forcibly eject her then she stole my padlocks and threw them in a bunch of bushes so I couldnt lock her out. Ive also had two young women fighting over me in a club even when I wasnt really involved with either of them.


This is the tip of the iceberg as far as crazy mexican women stories go.

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No I live in the most north eastern point but they are still just as crazy. Ive been stalked twice. Had one ex-girlfriend who wouldnt leave my house and I had to forcibly eject her then she stole my padlocks and threw them in a bunch of bushes so I couldnt lock her out. Ive also had two young women fighting over me in a club even when I wasnt really involved with either of them.

This is the tip of the iceberg as far as crazy mexican women stories go.



ooh damn!! thats bad luck.. one thing i know, is that Mexicans are really smart ass people, ''we'' think that for being foreign, we can abuse of you and you will never notice it.. some Mexicans think that they are ''superior'' and act like totally assholes with foreign people, and the most arrogant and asshole people, is from where you are, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila and Tamaulipas, los ''Norte

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Yes, I live in Tamaulipas. I havent really experienced what you say although I wouldnt know anyway as my spanish isnt too good. I find most mexicans to act as if im superior in some way which I find rather embarrasing. I try to treat everyone the same.


And yes willsellout, I have found most of them to be rather feisty.

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I lived with a 1/2 Mexican 1/2 Creek Indian woman for 2 years once. Small sexy thing, great cook, fantastic sex, nuttier than squirrel {censored}. very fiesty! I left her in the middle of the night when i woke up with her on top of me, with a knife to my throat calling me Roy. (her ex's name)

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one thing i know, is that Mexicans are really smart ass people, ''we'' think that for being foreign, we can abuse of you and you will never notice it.. some Mexicans think that they are ''superior'' and act like totally assholes with foreign people,



Holy Crap! I'm a Mexican!

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This thread is extremely bigoted.


ALL women are crazy. Not just the Mexican ones! You just have to find a level of crazy you can deal with!


Before anyone gets mad at me, it's the same for men. You wonem just have to find an acceptable crazy!

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This thread is extremely bigoted.

ALL women are crazy. Not just the Mexican ones! You just have to find a level of crazy you can deal with!

Before anyone gets mad at me, it's the same for men. You wonem just have to find an acceptable crazy!


I seriously had this typed up ('cept mine had the phrase 'bat-{censored}-crazy' in it somewhere)... then decided not to post it. Thanks Funk :D

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