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How much for Stingray HH 5?


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The Stingray 5 and Sterling 5 neck however are almost identical. The 4 string version are like a P and a Jazz as noted respectively. Your best bet might be to try an SR5 or Sterling 5 and see if you like them first... Guitar Center should carry both of them. Also, you may find that you don't need two humbuckers. The single H with a 3 way switch (parallel-single-series) is surprisingly versatile itself...

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If you have not played these basses, and are expecting any of them to be the "end-all," you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


The 2-hour drive is worth it if that's what it takes to figure out if you should invest further.

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If you have not played these basses, and are

The 2-hour drive is worth it if that's what it takes to figure out if you should invest further.




My two and a half hour drive to the nearest Guitar Center sold me on my Stingray 5 HH.

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If you have not played these basses, and are expecting any of them to be the "end-all," you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

The 2-hour drive is worth it if that's what it takes to figure out if you should invest further.








while stingrays are pretty good basses, and as much as i love mine, it is not my "end-all" bass, but YMMV and i would highle recommend going the distance and trying out as many basses as possible. you might not find your "end-all" bass but you'll more than likely find something that you will be happy with . i've been playing for 8 years now and i still haven't found my "end-all" bass...

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