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Changing out the electronics on my Jag...


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[feel free to skip these first two paragraphs]

So I've had a Fender Jaguar Bass for a couple years now. It was the first bass I bought actually, but that's besides the point. I love it for the look, the comfort, the action, etc... The tone is fine but the pickups will probably get changed out soon. However, I digress.


I'm looking to get rid of this awful preamp it comes with. If I'm going to use active electronics I'd like something that at the very least gives me a better, clearer tone and not just something that lets me change the bass and treble. At any rate, I'm thinking Aguilar OBP-2TK, because its the cheapest one that I only need to use one nine volt for. However I'm not really liking the price.


[start here]

Any one have any other recommendations for an onboard preamp with high input impedance, low output impedance, and not much else? As far as price range I'd prefer around 100 bucks, but less is always more. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oh, and if the preamp I already have is some how exactly what I'm looking for and I've somehow overlooked it, feel free to scorn me.




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The Aguilar you list is only a 2-band-I'm not sure what the point of replacing the stock preamp with it is if you're looking for increased EQ capability. It also doesn't color the tone any, so it's not likely to change the inherent sound of the bass much.


Why would you want low output impedance?

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