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A truly great gigbag


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If these have been brought up here before, excuse my redundancy, but if not...



Now I hope we don't get the infamous follow-up thread count-

"Great bag-gig"

"Bag Great gig"


All that. Hilarious.


See, I'm a SERIOUS guy :facepalm:


and did want to share for those who haven't heard about or seen these gigbags.


Google & check out IGIG gigbags-

Best of it's type I've seen, so much so that I have no hesitation about using one for my Rickenbackers, a company who haughtily refuses to make or condone using a gigbag for their instruments.


OH YEAH?! try & stop me John Hall!


But really, these are very nice gigbags; if you like that sort of thing...


Just sayin'.....:thu:

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