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Ampeg B2RE Broken?


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i bought it just over 4 months ago, 2 weeks after the warranty fml right? haha anyway was playing a show the other night and it just went quiet the amp was still on checked all the cables tried a different bass, thought maye it over heated so i shut it off for a while and turned it back on still nothing all the lights are on and you can see the limit light flicker when you hit the strings just no sound any suggestions or ideas what may be wrong thanks!


ampeg b2re

ampeg svt 8x10

furman power conditioner

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Ok, I assume you've tested it with another cab and another power conditioner or without the power conditioner.


If you haven't, do so and report back. As you know, a rig is a chain, one broken link and the whole thing fails.


For the limiter to be acting up but no sound to be coming out, it seems like there's a problem with the amp's outputs.


I'm no expert, just my guess but there's guys here who ARE experts on such matters and I'm sure someone will come along with advice more useful.


According to what I've heard and read, Ampeg's quality control isn't quite what it used to be.


If it's something that requires fixing, you may have to bite the bullet and pay to get it fixed. Don't try to do that yourself, it's just asking for trouble.


Opening up an amp without knowing exactly what you're doing is a surefire way of just destroying it. This happened to -- a friend of mine.

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i tried all of that thanks for the advice i ended up just calling ampeg a bit ago was only on hold for about 5 minutes maybe less and they were great they have a few authorized repair dealers here they said take it in and they'll fix it for free i guess the amp came with a 3 year warranty so thats nice, i really want to upgrade to an svt pro though at least the svt 3 pro, also i'm thinking of trading in my 8x10 for the 6x10 hlf any opinions?

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