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Practice Cancelled... AGAIN

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My singer just sent an email saying that although we're all available for practice tomorrow night, he won't have time to clean out his garage (a.k.a. our rehearsal area) in time.


Excuse me? I know we're all busy people, but cleaning out the rehearsal room would take no more than an hour, even if it were filled with toxic goo.


So he can't do this by tomorrow night at 7:30? I think he's being a petulant whiny baby, and is taking out his anger at our drummer, who didn't notify his availability for practice until this morning (when he got his work schedule and knew for certain he could be there).


He ended the email saying, "Phil, I sure wish you

could use your new bass. Too bad."


I can handle creative differences, but the pure whininess has GOT to stop.




- Jeff

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Originally posted by fastplant

Why can't everyone get there early and help him out?



Which is exactly what I offered.


"No, no, there's too much stuff, we wouldn't get it done in time, blah blah blah."


It tell's me he was looking for ANY excuse to cancel and somehow make it the fault of my drummer.


Time for a new band, I swear.


- Jeff

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I look forward soooo much to band practice.


1. Loud and Rockin.

2. Excuse to drink

3. Might get to see the Drummers-Baby's-Momma's-taa-taas.

4. Might make a new riff into a new song.

5. Repeat 2 and 3 until pass-out.


So, dude, I feel sorry for you. You only get so many opportunities in life to make a stupid loud racket.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well, he's a singer, whining is required!!!! No offense to anyone, but in my experience singers are the most high maintenance, low effort people out there. Most every band I know has to cater to the singer, the other musicians just shut up and play. Very rarely do you find one that contributes more than the bare minimun to get by, or practice, or warm up so you can do hard songs early in the night, or god forbid learn how to put a PA together. My band has a good singer (some say great), but it ain't from working at it, that's for sure.

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Originally posted by MoreCowbell

Well, he's a singer, whining is required!!!! No offense to anyone, but in my experience singers are the most high maintenance, low effort people out there.

You should be ashamed of yourself for painting with such a broad brush even though every word you said is totally true about the last ten singers I've worked with. :D

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Originally posted by squealie

You only get so many opportunities in life to make a stupid loud racket.



Truer words were never spoken, my friend. I love to play loud, just crave it. I can't do it at practice, so that's the main reason I look forward to gigs like there's no tomorrow, I get to rock out, listen to that amp as loud as I can get away with, and enjoy that tone. Man, that's happiness for me.


Oh, and messing with the drunk chicks too........

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Sorry to hear that your singer is a cry baby. I once had a bass player that skipped practice without notice because he wanted to stay home and watch America's Funniest Home Videos. Needless to say, with all the extra time he's got since we fired his ass, he can watch as many funny video shows as he wants.

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