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Review of my band


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Hi Xam:


For what its worth, here is my opinion.


I am influenced by my own musical aspirations.


I am 45yo.


I value freedom, growth, fairness, and joy.


I do not like devils, pain, puking monsters, torture, or death metal.


Just because I look at the world in a certain way does not mean you must like my opinion....


I'm sure you worked hard on this project. It sounds technically clean and professional.....but I am just more of a classic rock kind of guy. When I hear your music, I hear devils, pain, puking monsters, torture, and death metal. It sounds like it would be great for many Playstation games. You must be a talented musician to do this though.


Almost no one I know would go see a live show with this stuff.....

But then look at what kind of person I am.


It is just very different than you.


Do what you do best...... its not up to you to entertain me!


Best wishes, flip

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Originally posted by flip333

Hi Xam:

For what its worth, here is my opinion.

I am influenced by my own musical aspirations.

I am 45yo.

I value freedom, growth, fairness, and joy.

I do not like devils, pain, puking monsters, torture, or death metal.

Just because I look at the world in a certain way does not mean you must like my opinion....

I'm sure you worked hard on this project. It sounds technically clean and professional.....but I am just more of a classic rock kind of guy. When I hear your music, I hear devils, pain, puking monsters, torture, and death metal. It sounds like it would be great for many Playstation games. You must be a talented musician to do this though.

Almost no one I know would go see a live show with this stuff.....

But then look at what kind of person I am.

It is just very different than you.

Do what you do best...... its not up to you to entertain me!

Best wishes, flip



thanks:cool: , I know its not for everybody...but I garuntee you there are no devils, pain, puking monsters or torture in the songs...death metal maybe...haha, we are a christian band:)

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Hey Xam, that is interesting to hear.


I admit my perspective is colored by my own biases, so I would never try to force my views on others.


Having been extensively influenced by fundamentalist christianity in the past, I have a less fearful view of your music now!


Peace, flip

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Originally posted by Hollow body

Nice review; I can't listen to the clips because I'm still on dial-up:rolleyes:

Just out of curiosity, do you ever get criticized by Christians for working in an essentially satanic genre? If so, how do you respond?



Yup, it sucks cause we get critics on both sides of the fence. *however* we only get the strict Bible belt baptists as the majority of our christian critics.


usually we respond by ignoring it. we know what we're doing and we know our convictions. if they want to say we're wrong for going out and doing our thing then let em'. But I know that we are on the radio in argentina every day, we sold out of our demo within weeks from Nordic Mission(our european distro) and Manifest Distro(our american distro).


BTW, if you want a copy of our demo (four songs) shoot me your addy in a PM and I'll mail one out to you.

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Originally posted by Beckman

How do you get into this type of music in the first place if you are a christian band? No offense, just curious.

It's not my bag baby, but none of that type of music is.


because of the lack of talent in any other form of modern music;)


honestly, we all have very broad tastes in music, we play the music we do because it is what we enjoy. we like playing music that is as ugly as it is beautiful. In life you expiriance many different emotions. we try to portray each emotion in music. sadness, happiness, depression, etc...Christians have the same emotions as anyone else. we're not robots :)

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