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Howdy. Newbie here.


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Pleased to meet you Stash! :) Sounds like your band does some cool stuff. What Costello songs do you do? My band does mostly originals, but we do cover "Lipstick Vogue" and funnily enough I just put up an MP3 of a live recording we did of it.


Check it out if you're so inclined!




Looking forward to your contributions!

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Pleased to meet ya, Stash. This is my favorite HC board and I think it will be one of yours as well. The folks here by and large seem pretty cool. Come on in and stay awhile.




Oh, yes...if you should happen to venture into Open Jam or SSS Political Party forums, make sure to bring clean underwear.:eek:

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Originally posted by SpacedCowboy

Oh, yes...if you should happen to venture into Open Jam or SSJ Political Party forums, make sure to bring clean underwear.


:D :D


Truer words were never spoken.




I'm a two tele man myself. Band website is in sig.



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Originally posted by Stash

Spaced Cowboy - I see you're in N.C. Are you in Charlotte? I lived there for 22 years and did the majority of gigs there, everywhere from Amos' and the Double Door Inn to all the dumpy little bars in and around Charlotte. It would be funny if we knew each other.



Alas, no...I am/was based out of Winston-Salem. Spent a lot of time in Raleigh, Durham, and the Triad area (WS, Greensboro and High Point) but to my shame, spent very little time in Charlotte. I played The Rhino club in Charlotte twice before they stopped having live bands altogether. :(



Thanks for the "warning" about the political forum. Being very interested in politics, history, current events, etc. (so much so that my B.A. is in Political Science) I have been in there. Yikes! Too much trolling and name-calling for me. The few intelligent posts that start threads turn into shouting matches within 4 or 5 posts. Yuck. The only good thing I can say is bravo for the board not being censored.


That's true. And double bravo to our wonderful Moderator Ms. Lee Flier for pulling the monkeys in the cage apart when the {censored}-slinging starts getting personal. God knows I wouldn't want that job.:o

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