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Loading songs into MySpace....


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Is it just me... or is MySpace a real pain in the ass to load songs into their Standalone Player. Sometimes the server is down... other times it directs you to load your songs into the player, but doesn't provide the link to browse and select the file. I've had two songs "processing" for nearly a week. :rolleyes:



Can anyone recommend some afford music posting solutions? I'd like to avoid "Soundclick" and other member driven services. I'd much rather find some player software and host the songs on our own site.

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Originally posted by fastplant

Why not just hyperlink to your song files? Then people can download them or stream them on their own player.


That would be easy... :D but our singer who manages and maintains the site takes for ever to update info and he's also worried about bandwidth (we have over 200 picture galleries). So my bandmates put together a quick myspace account (which you're a member of) and trying to upload these songs is like trying to cut a grape using a spork while balancing on roller skates.



Whoa!!! Now that was a picture.... haha!!!

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Originally posted by wheresgrant3

That would be easy...
but our singer who manages and maintains the site takes for ever to update info and he's also worried about bandwidth (we have over 200 picture galleries). So my bandmates put together a quick myspace account (which you're a member of) and trying to upload these songs is like trying to cut a grape using a spork while balancing on roller skates.

Whoa!!! Now that was a picture.... haha!!!


Odd, the few songs I've uploaded are playable within 10 minutes. Weird. Have you tried emailing who ever runs it?

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