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Hmmmm. Whoulda thought a buncha sci-fi geeks would get together and make


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Originally posted by BndGrl

Aren't most musicians sci-fi geeks?




Uhmmmm, no.




If we are most of us won't admit it so readily. Although I was telling Zendog who was in TK 421 and he said "THX1138? That was a great movie!"





I had no {censored}ing idea!



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Star Wars and Star Trek are not actually science fiction they should really be called Space Opera (very little real science involved, lots of"Magic"). If you insist on calling Star Wars and Star Dreck science fiction then you came up with two of the lamest examples of the genre.


I haven't really found many of the musicians I have worked with over the years to be interested in Sci-fi.



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Originally posted by maxnew40

Star Wars and Star Trek are not actually science fiction they should really be called Space Opera (very little real science involved, lots of"Magic"). If you insist on calling Star Wars and Star Dreck science fiction then you came up with two of the lamest examples of the genre.

I haven't really found many of the musicians I have worked with over the years to be interested in Sci-fi.



Not TOO elitist, are we, max?;):p:D

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Sorry didn't mean to xome across as elitist. It is just that there really is some great science fiction out there but you have to read it. A lot of the good stuff would be very difficult to film.


Get out there and read some good sci-fi books and you will see what I mean.



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Originally posted by maxnew40

Sorry didn't mean to xome across as elitist. It is just that there really is some great science fiction out there but you have to read it. A lot of the good stuff would be very difficult to film.

Get out there and read some good sci-fi books and you will see what I mean.



Agreed, max...and done. :thu:

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Originally posted by maxnew40

Star Wars and Star Trek are not actually science fiction they should really be called Space Opera (very little real science involved, lots of"Magic"). If you insist on calling Star Wars and Star Dreck science fiction then you came up with two of the lamest examples of the genre.

I haven't really found many of the musicians I have worked with over the years to be interested in Sci-fi.




OK, there's being a bit of a sci-fi fan, and then there's being a huge dork. ;)

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