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how do these stack up?

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My band recently decided to record a demo. We went to a guy who had a really nice recording studio in his house. He charged us 45$/hour and was way cool about not milking the clock. Very personable and a good studio engineer/producer. I would really appreciate it if someone would let me know how they think these recordings stack up to a true "PRO" recording. I can tell it doesn't have as much glitz and alteration as most songs, but my ear could be missing something. Also it's kinda drenched in verb. But let me know what you think. I really do appreciate whoever takes the time to honestly listen to the tracks.




edit- sorry that's it a myspace




note Artofficial is one we recorded on our own so it's way rough

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a few things: with a demo, what are your goals? if it is to get shows, this will work. if you're soliciting to industry many of them would like a recording that they can throw out there with little fuss. some say they dont care about recording quality though...but anyways, you need shows to get industry attention anyways.


about the recording quality, it is nowhere near what a real studio would give you. the miking technique, the levels he recorded the instruments at, and the mix....are all subpar. it sounds like there are blankets over the speakers. none of these things are your fault. victim of circumstance.


in the end: this recording can serve a purpose. two, it is not high quality at all.


also: chatterbox, and knickerbockers in lincoln...tell me about these places. we may book there. interested in gig trades?

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yeah it is quieter than most studio "pro" recordings. He explained to me about how the digital convertors he uses clip at low levels. So he cranks it as high as he can when recording but has to avoid the red zone. Plus the price was right man.


I do know the promoter for Chatterbox. What kind of music are you guys? They do mostly metal/rock/rap/alternative so if it's anywhere in the ball park you're golden. As far as swapping, we aren't going to Texas ... yet... muuhahahawahahaha


seriously though add me on myspace if you have one and shoot me a message if you want a gig sometime



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