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Keep the sinuses OPEN is critical!


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I keep forgetting to mention something that I find CRUCTIAL when singing at my absolutely very best.


I MUST have my sinuses completely clean and free-flowing of air! I'm a true tenor and with a "stuffy nose" I can't hit my full range. For the most part I may shoot a little saline spray in the winter when it's dry outside but if I'm in need of more "flow" I have to go with the "sinus spray" to keep it runway smooth.


Since coming to the board I know a few more things and I pay attention to a few more things:


Drink lots of water before singing.

Stay clear of the alcohol. (which is tough cuz I like a shot or two before hand)

Exercise the vocal chords. For me it's unstructured singing phrases and tones in my ranges.

I'm kind of a lazy singer, but I think MOST are? I mean in terms of warm ups, and taking care of my voice. BUT I REALLY pay attention now that I have a couple big "gigs' coming up.

Practice makes perfect too......


One more thing I gotta mention. 5 years ago I had sinus issues, typical deviated septum. Well one night my septum developed a hole (after a long time this developed) but now I have a hole from one nostril to the other. I could easily stick a spaghetti noodle in one side and pull it out the other. Weird? Hell yeah it is, BUT it's totally created a ton of more airflow for me. The hole is about the size of a large pea. Weird but it was a huge blessing in disguise.


Anyway I was curious as to what others use (i.e. Warm salt water gargle, honey tea, mints...whatever...etc) to help them sing their best?

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There's a neat device called a netti pot, which allows one to perform a nasal douche. (Gee, I hope they don't censor that!) It provides the ultimate sinus cleanser. The pot looks like Aladdin's lamp, with a narrow spout on one end. You fill it with a warm water/saline mixture, tilt your head, and deposit the mixture up one nostril; the liquid rushes through the sinuses and flushes out the other nostril. You then repeat on the other side. You do this over a sink, of course--preferably with the door closed. :eek:


Sounds gross, I know, but it's surprisingly useful and refreshing. This is an Indian/Yogic cleansing process, but you can find netti pots in lots of places these days--including Whole Foods Market, for instance. Usually they even come with a saline packet.


Relax your mind and float downstream....Omm :cool:

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Ugh, sounds terrible, doesn't it hurt? I immediately thought of when I would accidentally get water up my nose when swimming.



It's actually not that bad. I wouldn't call it unpleasant at all, though it does feel a little odd the first time you do it. It's very pleasant after you use it, however!

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Ugh, sounds terrible, doesn't it hurt? I immediately thought of when I would accidentally get water up my nose when swimming.



Doesn't hurt at all. The sodium bicarbonate powder, when mixed with distilled water, completely eliminates the burning sensation of water up the nose in the swimming pool. If you were to put straight tap water in, it would burn like hell.

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A similar approach is to use a plastic sqeeze bottle, with a nipple of sorts, from drug stores. This delivers more force.


I also tried a waterpik with a Grossan tip, but the tip didn't fit well, and my nos waterpik, bought via ebay, died after 3 months.

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I've had problems with my voice for the last 5 years or so.

Completely sidelined me as a vocalist. I recently had a polyp removed from my sinuses and had a deviated septum corrected. Hurt like hell but within 3 months of the surgery I'm back where I started.


Clear sinuses are so important

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