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Family does not respect the craft!

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The fact is most people you know will never take your music seriously let alone try to understand it. The same thing happens when you get an electronics degree, suddenly everyone in the family has a broken VCR they're sure you're anxious to fix for them.


HAHA ain't that the truth. I don't know what's more annoying, people at family functions trying to tell the band what to do and where we should play, or people at our gigs asking me how to fix their computers. :lol:


I'm quite blunt with people who show disrespect, though, even if it's family. I don't have a problem saying, "Keep away from the gear please," or "I understand you're trying to help, but that wouldn't be an appropriate gig for us." Or I hand them a business card and say "Here, give this to your buddy and tell him to give us a call" - at which point I deal with that person as I would anybody else calling about a gig.

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