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I want to play for free....


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There is this park in one of the older downtown sections where I live. It's a nice area, not rundown... just has the oldtime feel. The park has this cool little half ampitheater and some benches out front. It's real small. Man, it would be awesome to play there... I'd do it for free!! Maybe I can talk the band into it by saying.... it's good exposure.

Of course, I'd rather rehearse there than some guys house! Either way we aren't getting paid -- this would be better practice.

And now for something completely different...

If you play a cool place for your own enjoyment and unannounced, then it's perfectly OK, in my opinion. If nobody's making any money off of your efforts and you dig it, then go for it! It's kind of like a tree falling in the woods and no one's around to hear it.

My dad's band used to get a permit to "practice" in the park on off Sundays. They would bring a flat bed trailor and a bunch of gear and have a Haight-Ashbury afternoon. People would wander up and enjoy the music while we threw the frisbee and kicked the hack. Nobody made any money and the band was exposed to a crowd that wouldn't ordinarily frequent a bar with live music.

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And like I said, that's fine with me, my top priority isn't making money.

If it isn't in the top 10 of your priorities, then no record label of any worth will want anything to do with you.

It's interesting to learn about all of the established musicians, Bruce Springsteen comes to mind, who were under intense pressure from their label to create a money making hit or loose their contract and go back to driving a cab, etc., when they came up with their best work.

Of course, Bernie Hinkel never compromised his integrity by selling out to the machine just to please the man.

Who is Bernie Hinkel, you ask.

Exactly! :thu:

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