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Sharing the stage (Long)

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In the past couple of weeks, a half dozen or so people have asked me if they could take the stage with one of my guitars. Overall, I really have no problem with it. The thing is, they want to do a song that they have no track for and no lyrics for the screen.


The KJ and I let a couple of people try. One was just someone who I get the feeling just wanted to bang out of few licks as if to say "Hey, look at me! I can play a guitar too!" The other person played in a band and played a song but didn't sing. And it wasn't an instrumental either - it was an SRV song. He received a "polite" smattering of applause but what he did didn't really go over very well. I was told later by a few people that they found it boring.


The KJ and I talked it about and decided that for the moment, anyone who wants to play guitar has to use the tracks I have available.


I'm friendly with the owner of the Karaoke business and I want to establish a set of rules/guides but before I do, I was just curious what people here might think.


When I started the Guitaraoke thing about two years ago, it was simply a way for me to hang with some friends who wanted to sing and be able to participate. Originally, we depended upon people knowing the lyrics to the songs I played. Then I made lyric sheets. It was still difficult to get people up on stage with me so I finally decided that if I were going to do it I might as well do it right. So I learned how to create the .CDG files that Karaoke software uses to put lyrics up on the screen.


I either buy or create my own backing tracks. These tracks are NOT Karaoke tracks, but backing tracks for guitarists with the main guitar rhythm & lead parts excluded. With the addition of the .CDG files they act like a regular Karaoke file.


This isn't "my" gig - it's the Karaoke guy's; he's just kind enough to let me play and recognizes that people like it and have a good time. He always does at least one song with me himself whenever he stops by. That being said, I have no objection to anyone else taking the stage to play guitar but it seems only fair to me that they should have to do the work that I did - bring their own gear and provide their own tracks and lyrics files. The biggest problem to that though is that the bar absolutely cannot have multiple people randomly showing up with their gear and I'm pretty certain the Karaoke guy woulnd't like that either.


The easiest/most realistic soultion for everyone is to simply say that I had the idea first, I've established myself as a regular and that I'm the only one allowed to do the Guitaraoke thing. It makes me sound like a prima donna though.


What I've been doing lately is just telling people that they need to talk to the Karaoke owner but I haven't had a chance to talk about it with him myself either.


How do you think we should handle it?

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it's karaoke. everyone should be allowed to do it.

maybe to retain the typical entertainment, just make sure that a singer goes up as well. ie: if you want to do the guitar, bring up a singer too!




It's karaoke, but that doesn't mean every Joe/Jane Sixpack gets to use someone's actual instrument. If the KJ wants to allow people to use props, then the KJ should provide them. If you want to take it upon yourself to provide a prop guitar, that's nice, but I certainly wouldn't consider it "required".

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It's karaoke, but that doesn't mean every Joe/Jane Sixpack gets to use someone's actual instrument. If the KJ wants to allow people to use props, then the KJ should provide them. If you want to take it upon yourself to provide a prop guitar, that's nice, but I certainly wouldn't consider it "required".



Yep. I'd be shaky about letting someone who can't play use my guitar. You don't know that until it's too late.

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