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Band split up and I'm looking to join or start a new one.


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After 3 years with my band Emination I became painfully aware that it wasn't going anywhere and it was time to move on. So, last week I made one of the more difficult choices of my life and decided to leave. I'm located in Central NY and would really like to either join an existing metal band looking for a guitarist or find like-minded musicians and start something fresh. I'm actually making a road trip in two weeks to Texas to check out a band, so relocating is something I'm definitely open to as well. I have all pro gear and and a decent sized Pro Tools recording rig, so I'd be able to engineer and mix demos/CD's which would save the new band a lot of cash. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone looking for a guitarist, I'd really appreciate all of the help I can get.


Here's an example of some of my stuff. We were in the middle of recording a record when everything went to {censored}, so it's not mixed but you'll get an idea of where my head is at in terms of writing. All guitars in these clips were done by me.




If this interests anyone or you know someone who may be into this type of music, please shoot me a PM or you can contact me though myspace at www.myspace.com/canteli



Thanks guys.

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