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I will be 19 next month...


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...and I have been in many bands (20+) that have not worked out due to every problem in the book. I doubt I will ever be a successful musician and I am beggining to lose faith in music- I can't even look at my guitar anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Sorry for the depressing post but I needed an outlet.

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sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on starting a 'successful' band.


like you, for years in high school i put pressure on people to churn out songs and get things recorded and get websites and gigs and PR and what not. All of these bands barely got started off the ground and not one did all of the stuff i've just listed.


Once i got over the fact that not everybody becomes Arctic Monkeys after making a myspace, i settled down, started enjoying playing guitar for the pleasure i got out of it myself.


That was about a year ago, that i took all pressure off of combining music and success. I then formed a band with likeminded folk based on making music we want to make, for fun, not serious at all. And we had our first gig last night, which was hailed as a success for the band.


My point it, you can't force things like this. It just happens, and when it does, it's brilliant. However playing guitar, ultimately, should be about getting personal enjoyment from it.


Sorry if that made little or no sense. Just have fun mate :)


(ps. i was 19 last month)

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Hey man, I was in the same boat as you only at 21 or 22 instead of 19, and I would highly recommned just plahying and writing and recording at home, that's waht I've been doing for the past 8 years and couldn't be happier, I don't miss the whole "band thing" one bit...

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...and I have been in many bands (20+) that have not worked out due to every problem in the book. I doubt I will ever be a successful musician and I am beggining to lose faith in music- I can't even look at my guitar anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Sorry for the depressing post but I needed an outlet.



First off what do you consider to be a "successful musician?" Do you mean you want to make it big? Or do you just want a band that will "work out" and stick together?

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...and I have been in many bands (20+) that have not worked out due to every problem in the book.
I doubt I will ever be a successful musician and I am beggining to lose faith in music
- I can't even look at my guitar anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Sorry for the depressing post but I needed an outlet.




Self-fufilling prophesy, coming your way. :poke:


Don't put your faith in music. Put your faith in you own self-disipline and preserverance.


You play guitar. You don't need a band to be a successful musician. Go solo for a little while. It will build your chops, and when you're ready, the other musicians will come.

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Self-fufilling prophesy, coming your way. :poke:

Don't put your faith in music. Put your faith in you own self-disipline and preserverance.

You play guitar. You don't need a band to be a successful musician. Go solo for a little while. It will build your chops, and when you're ready, the other musicians will come.






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