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Who is the Worst Singer in your opinion?


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What do people think of Grace Slick's voice? I think it is SPECTACULAR!


Who do I dislike in terms of voice...when Bob Dylan does his "nose voice" as I call it, it's kinda unpleasant. I like him otherwise. Aimee Mann's voice bugs me. Natalie Merchant's voice bugs me even more.


Ugh, Zitney Spears. She is quite terrible. Weirdly, when she was a little girl on the Micky Mouse Club, she wasn't totally bad. She just seems to have lost any small amount of child-belter talent she had and became this breathy, craptacular so-called sex symbol.


Mariah Carey reminds me of a pregnant cow.


Miley Cyrus' voice annoys the hell out of me on her song 7 Things I Hate About You, or whatever it's called. *gag*


Yoko is a legend. That is all.

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