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How much is too much?


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dear sorocknroll, or so you claim - i can't even believe you'd ask such a thing - really now = i've done 200+ dates a year for nearly a decade and would've gladly done more - if you can't understand that maybe you're in wrong line of business.


just a thought.

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My band plays out about locally about 5-6 times a month (sometimes more) and that can get a little repetitive. We are finally heading out on tour in January and i think i will like it much more than playing the same {censored}ing venues over and over. But we play all originals which i prefer. I couldn't play someone else's songs over and over. Would get lame REAL quick. IMO.

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I'm a reguar 9-to-5'er, so I reach the "too much" point much more quickly with weeknight shows. I'm fine with playing a show most weekends, but I really don't like more than one or two times a month where I have to go to sleep at 2am and get up at 7am. :freak:

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It's been a long, long time since I gigged a lot. But when I was it wasn't unusual to be doing a Friday night Bowling banquet, a Saturday afternoon wedding, a saturday night party/bull roast whatever and another gig on Sunday. I had no social life, lost a girlfriend over it (from weekend neglect)...it really got to be a grind even though I was a "young fellow". I recently turned down an audition with some guys that were booked "an average of two times a month" last year, but "wanted to gig two or three times per week" if they could. Not for me. Once or twice a month would be more then enough for me. I'm in this strictly for the fun now. I really enjoy playing in front of a crowd now & then. But A half dozen back yard barbecues/private family/friends parties are good enough for me.

Shlepping my stuff up from the basementk, loading up, unloading, setting up, breaking down, loading up, getting home and un-loading, shlepping the stuff back down to the basement ? No thanks. I can do without that happening very often no matter what you were paying me. But then I'm to the point with just my day job where the time off is more important then more money.

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