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I'm looking for a singer to write lyrics and record the vocals on this song I made...


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I think I might be up to the challenge...what kind of theme would you like the song to have? any base ideas for lyrics? also out of cuirosity, what program are you using to record that?



I haven't any ideas for lyrics :facepalm: you can write what you want...if you can do choirs (


I use Logic studio to record... my idea is that when you have finished the vocal tracks, just send them to me and I'll do the mixdown....



Let me know if you need more info...thank you! :thu:

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The chords sound pretty good. Nice lead work. Drums, bass, Good job.


This is such a wonderful chance to talk about something very important about music. Thanks for providing the opportunity.


You have asked for lyrics, and someone to sing the song. And you have forgotten the most important aspect of a tune. I am not trying to be mean. I am trying to underscore something that all musicians must understand.


The melody is what makes a song. The melody. You have simply assumed that the person who writes the lyrics will then write the melody. As if they are locked together for some reason. Why would you assume that?


It is baffling to me.


I would assume that you think that the chords that you have chosen somehow predict a melody. Is that a true statement?


Sorry to everyone here who thinks that I am being mean about this one, but it is a huge thing to me.


I am a song writer/lyricist also.


Any other singers out there get these same requests?


Its like, here dude, I put C, G, and D together. Now isn't that cool. Write some killer lyrics, and oh by the way, give me a melody that will cause people to whistle it throughout the day and into the night. But hey, I am the one who put these chords together.


Songs are written in so many different ways. And, you will get someone to write lyrics for your track. And, of course, a melody will flush itself out. But, that melody will probably be based on prior recollection of other songs that use the same repeated riffs that you have laid down. And the song, will not be interesting. It will sound like others. Is that what you want?


Again, sorry I am being kinda tough here. But this is a real important topic.


You obviously have put time into working that track out. It sounds cool. But give someone a melody to work with. Or, at the very least, when you ask for someone to collaborate with, acknowledge that you also need them to write the most important part of the song. ie. The melody. And I know that that is hard. Simply play an instrument, guitar or keyboard, one note at a time, over your track. You can offer it as a separate file. But that is what a vocal part is. It is just single notes. We don't really sing chords very well - without processing that is.

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good tune man! i can hear the vocalist from mr.big in my head when listening to it. ...did you use logic cubase? are those acoustic or electric drums?

if you have any other songs id love to colaberate. kind of cool having people from different countries record together over the computer.

my style is a little more blues based rock...like black crowes, buckcherry, or brother cane

id be more into ballads or power ballads. email me if you want more info...in the meantime keep up the good riffs!



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Actually I think this is pretty cool/fun idea. I'm simply guessing rockappalla had a sweet lick he's been working on and only wanted some input from others as to what different styles of lyrics and vocals may come from it?


I recall years ago when U2 (I was a huge fan at one time) was working on Homecomming that Edge would lay down tons of music tracks and then Bono would put them to music. That is obvious in the "raw" format and much tweaking then was done, but many groups have known to lay down music and others do the vocals and lyrics.


As close as Elton John and Bernie Taurpin were on collaborating on most all their songs like well woven tweed, many others work the complete opposite.


But you can't have a hit without a melody.

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good tune man! i can hear the vocalist from mr.big in my head when listening to it. ...did you use logic cubase? are those acoustic or electric drums?

if you have any other songs id love to colaberate. kind of cool having people from different countries record together over the computer.

my style is a little more blues based rock...like black crowes, buckcherry, or brother cane

id be more into ballads or power ballads. email me if you want more info...in the meantime keep up the good riffs!




Thank you, sure I'll have more songs...if you want to try to sing on this one it would be cool! Having different versions of the same track would be awesome!


I'm using Aple Logic pro 8 and the drums were made with Ezdrummer...

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