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Bursts of synchronicity (posted in wrong forum, but I'll leave it for fun)


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Do you ever have it happen where a number of funny synchronicities occur within a short span, to the point you almost begin expecting them?


Last night for instance, we were watching Parks and Recreation and in the matter of a few minutes the episode made out-of-nowhere references to weirdly specific things/people that were current topics in our house at that time. Most strikingly, immediately before the show my wife was watching Madonna interviews and freaking out about the upcoming tour, and then the show made a Madonna reference.


Also this morning my wife and I got the urge to visit Iceleand independently, apropos of nothing.


I know the conventional thought is that the more you look for synchronicity the more you see it and that's why it can seem to feed on itself, but I find it more interesting to buy into the idea some more esoteric types put forth- that you can "build" it by looking for it and cause exciting synchronistic events to happen in your life.


How about you?

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