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My band CAPTIONS. live recording from rehearsal space + a question about noise gates

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My band recorded this a few weeks ago. Used three iPhone 4 and video camera+, as well as our drummer's digital camera. Mixing done in Logic. We plan to do a couple more vids this coming weekend, with different/more angles, and better isolation of some of the instruments/amps.




That being said, as you can hear, there's a bit of bleed coming into the vocal mics of the drums. I went through and automated volume and added a noise gate to cut down on it, considering on this song in particular I use two separate delays, not reverbs, so it seems a lot more noticeable. Which brings me to my question. Would it be a terrible idea to find a decent noise gate pedal, and use it with my vocal fx pedal to cut down on outside noise? Are guitar noise gates worse/better/same than a noise gate made for recording?

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Ehh, i'd rather it be the take we did live as a whole band, just simplifies everything, without having yet another thing that might not line up with the video right, making it obvious that it's not the same take. Also, the noise gate question pertained to live playing in general, not just for the purpose of these vids.

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I posted that before watching the video. I now think two things.


1. It sounds just fine

2. With that much reverb on the vocals (pet peeve of mine, but obviously popular so to each their own), nobody would notice sync issues if you opted to re-record it.


Nice work!

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I posted that before watching the video. I now think two things.

1. It sounds just fine

2. With that much reverb on the vocals (pet peeve of mine, but obviously popular so to each their own), nobody would notice sync issues if you opted to re-record it.

Nice work!



Thanks...but now what about actual live playing, like at gigs? Guitar noise gate pedal be okay????

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Thanks...but now what about actual live playing, like at gigs? Guitar noise gate pedal be okay????



The bleed probably won't hurt anything. More than likely the drums will be mic'd wherever you're playing anyway. But if a gate is needed, perhaps for the purpose of the reverb, I would go with a vocal processor. I think digitech makes a fairly reasonable one. And then you could have your own sound regardless of whose PA you're using. A guitar gate would seem to work fine with the right cables and boxes.


Haha- sorry I didn't read all if your question. The delays... Yeah... I'd go with a processor with a built-in gate.

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The bleed probably won't hurt anything. More than likely the drums will be mic'd wherever you're playing anyway. But if a gate is needed, perhaps for the purpose of the reverb, I would go with a vocal processor. I think digitech makes a fairly reasonable one. And then you could have your own sound regardless of whose PA you're using. A guitar gate would seem to work fine with the right cables and boxes.



I'm actually using a TC Helicon Voicetone Create, which is what I was using for the vid and for live gigs. The problem is, smaller stages means less separation between me and the drummer and that usually ends up in some excessive bleed/feedback problems on some of the songs, and the Voicetone doesn't have a built-in noise gate feature that I'm aware of.

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