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So, the venue insists on their own posters...

Chicken Monkey

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One of my bandmates is an illustrator and graphic designer with 20+ years of experience doing work for people across the country and beyond.  Shelves full of books he's done artwork for and so on.  He does a promo poster for every show we play and drops a couple off at the venue, or does quartersheets to pass out, or whatever.  A new venue (which we were very excited to land) does their own posters to maintain a consistent brand/look, and wants us to pick up a stack of them to put out as we see fit.  Fair enough.  However, I went to pick up the posters today, and the following problems are immediately apparent:

1.  The got the name of the band wrong, in two different ways.  Imagine a show being billed "The Rollinstones & Keith Richards".  Apparently, they thought we were the first band ever to ampersand it, but put the named individual (not even the front man) AFTER the band name (in which there was a typo).

2.  The start time, end time, and length of show were all wrong.  

3.  The photo was LITERALLY a shot of the band taken while were were playing their Sunday night show, without us knowing there was a photo being taken, from side of the stage, showing profiles of two members and a frontal shot of a third.  The fourth member is not in the photo, but the soundboard is clearly visible.  

4.  The photo is a lo-res digital pic, presumably taken with a camera phone, and is grainy and washed out.  The washed-out quality is especially apparent where the photo caught a flourescent light panel, which was giving off a gauzy halo of light.  This happens to be located right where the venue's logo goes on the poster, so you can read about a quarter of the venue name--the rest disappears into the background.

That's literally all the information on the poster--a photo, a band name, a time, and the venue--and every bit is wrong in some significant way.  I put in an email about the band time, mostly because I wanted to clarify when we were actually playing, and the booker wants to re-run the posters, so I've got them in contact with our graphics guy to hook them up with a picture.  

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I feel your pain. You need to find a graceful way to tell them that you do that in house and that you would be more than happy to get their approval on posters and promo material. Email it and get their approval via email. I can see why this stuff drives you crazy. Most people don't have the eye for detail that you guys do and you don't want your name on amateur work.

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TIMKEYS wrote:


I feel your pain. You need to find a graceful way to tell them that you do that in house and that you would be more than happy to get their approval on posters and promo material. Email it and get their approval via email. I can see why this stuff drives you crazy. Most people don't have the eye for detail that you guys do and you don't want your name on amateur work.


I see the venue's point, and I have to admit that I've really dug the posters they've had up for other bands, and appreciated the vibe they had going.  My guess is that they had a pro (or expert hobbyist) put together a template for them, and they're just click-and-dragging the photos in.  We're sending them some of our pro shots, and some accidentally really great live shots, and they're going to put them in their poster template and print up a new batch.

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