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Question for duos?


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Do any of the duos feature solo songs by each member?

When we were preparing for our 1st gig, we scetched out rough set / guideline of our songs that we wanted to cover. I was worried that we may not have enough songs (we were fine and didn't get to play everything) so I suggested that in each set set we do a solo number. Mark could play a piano song that I didn't know yet and I could do a guitar song that he didn't know yet.

it worked nicely as each of us know a number of song that the other one doesn't know. It also gave us a chance to throw in some different stuff. We are going to do it again at out next gig and see how it goes. i am going to make sure I pick songs that I didn't play last time.

Just wondering if anyone else does this.

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I recently started playing duo with another guy who has been playing solo around these parts, so we are definitely in a position to play a few solo songs each.  As it turns out, the only time we've done that yet was when my duo partner broke a string during a show at the end of a song, I played the next song solo.

We originally planned to throw in a couple of solo songs to allow the other person time to walk around with business cards, but we're just having too much fun playing together.



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