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I'm looking for a really good rack fx processor. I've never used fx with my amps before so I don't really know many different fx units. I heard the g-major was good, and saw the gay ass movie of it on tc electronic's site. Thanks for any imput.

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If you are new to fx then I'd suggest that you don't spend a lot of cash on any one piece until you learn the ins and outs of signal processors ...aka FX. There are tons of bargain pieces you can find, tweak, use and learn from before you need to get into the heavy hitters like tc, Eventide, and Lexicon. I'd suggest an Intellifex. If you like to read manuals like I do, then you will be able to learn this stuff quick, get better sounds and see how it all comes together. Books are a good source of info too.

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word. no sense in buying a porsche for your first car. get something relatively cheap that you can resell for approximately the same price (i.e. - something that's been around for a while and will hold its value) and if you like what you can do with said unit but feel like you'd really enjoy better fidelity, more parameters, more presets, etc. then you can step into the ring with something bigger.


or, if you've just got cash flowing out of your ass, you should pick up eventide's new flagship, the H8000, and tell us how much you like it.



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Yeah the H-8000! LOL! I was actually thinking of how I would use on in my rig! LOL! I concluded that it is so freaking much signal processing that is would make my guitar sound like the soundtrack to Super Mario Bros!:D


I have noticed that the more processors on at once the less spatial quality you have. For example, back about 2 years ago I was trying this... preamp to mixer, in the mixer was DSP 7000, PCM 81 and a 2290. Each piece sounded great by itself... lots of detail and warmth and clarity. When the were all on it was a giant pad of moosh. The Eventide reverbs went dull and the 81s modulation ans subtle delays were lost somewhere in mix and the 2290 had lost all of its magic! Less is still Less in my book but Less can be better thats for sure. Hence, the thinning of the rack...

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Eh, I wouldn't mind upgrading from my GTR4000 to a DSP7000, not at all.. :)


The G-major or Intellifex would both be great starting points. I think that new, the Intellifex is a touch cheaper. Both can be gotten new for under $500 though, used even cheaper. Both have a lot of the same multi-effects and decent quality.

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