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Canare, Mogami or?


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Its time to replace my 15 year+ cables. I know there are a million threads regarding cables, but here goes!.... I plug straight into Marshall Jubilees and run a Replifex in the effects loop, so I am looking at getting a guitar cable and some cables for the send and return. Any difference tonally between, say Mogami or Canare etc.? I am looking for something with a balanced/flat response, not too bright. Which cables in this $ range offer the lowest capacitance? Any other brands I might want to consider? Thanks for reading!

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Both Mogami and Canare are good cable. Not the most absolute best in the world stuff but solid and professional cable. Neither are "flat" because cable just isn't. Each has it's own character wether you can hear it or not. Canare has a bit more capacitance than Mogami so it will either sound a smidge "warmer" or "muddy" depending on how you hear things. I was using George L cable in my rig but am about to rewire it with Mogami 2944. I'll keep you posted.


But the best thing that you can do is either: 1) worry about all the little things that you might not hear and drop the big money and wire your rig with Evidence Audio cable, the best there is, and call it a day, or 2) buy a bunch of bulk Mogami cable and wire your rig up yourself - it's cheap and you can be assured that you are not cheating yourself by using cheap parts.

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Good advice b5. Here is what I have found... Mogami is great for fx rigs and stuff like that, the soldered George Ls is great for pedal boards and gain/fuzz pedals. They seem clearer and more open sounding with the GLs. This of course is a recent observation which is mostlikely going to change in the future when I make new discovery x.

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