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eh tubes

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eh tubes

Ok I looked in my mesa quad preamp and it has 12ax7eh (electro harmonix) tubes in it. Are these any good? I was thinking I wanted to dry JJ's but im not sure because I don't want it to be too dark. I like a lot of mids and want it smooth. Some tones I like are vai's, malmsteen's, brian may's (might be my fav.), petrucci's. So what would you guys recommend?

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Stick with the EH tubes.I just got them in the mail yesterday and put them in my triaxis.I had all JJ tubes in it before and they are way to dark and muddy sounding for Mesa gear IMO.I am running a triaxis and a 290 poweramp.The triaxis has all EH 12ax7 and the 290 has JJ 6L6 and 3 EH balanced 12ax7.My rig has never sounded so good.The JJ power tubes I think sound great,Its just the 12ax7 that are way to dark.Paul

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i'll third the eh's...personally i've found them to have a good high gain sound that maintains a lot of clarity and articulation. depending on how deep into things you want to go, you may look into mixing tubes to get a range of tonal flavors, for example-eh's in the lead position, jj's in the rhythm position, and NOS in the clean position...just an idea for you to bat around...

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