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Women are strange beings. One minute you think everything is going good and you are tight together and the next you hear from people that she's been hitting on someone else. Then your body slowly, chain reacts until your stomach is completly inverted and all you can think about is whether or not this is true or if it's simply been a few days with her and her girl stuff or if {censored} is going down and you don't know about it. Then your brain starts going over many un-important details until you feel like getting completly plastered when in reality you have no idea what actually is going down...


whew...{censored}ing 'a....needed to release a little...sorry everyone.




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....and then you talk to her best friend and she tells you that really it's not some other guy, it's just that she has problems with relationships. Hmmm.....time to go zone out and think about other stuff (IE guitar)....








P.S...you don't feel the need to respond to this..

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Don't worry about it mate - it happens to everyone.


My long term girlfriend broke up with me pretty much out of the blue a few months ago and I'm still not quite right now. Just make sure you know what is important to you (friends/family/music etc.) and you'll be fine :)

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I'm still hoping that it will just be a bump in the road vs. the end of the line, but you never can be too sure. I want to help her through it, but it's best imo and her best friend's opinion to give her a day and just talk to her p2p. Thanks though man! I Appriciate it.



...having the first fun/inspirational guitar session now...got to play louder.





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Originally posted by EVH Woflgang

Out of all the forums here, the Monster Rack Forum is the most dedicated to exchanging usefull information. There is not the usual banter that you see on the other forums and can sometimes even seem quiet and dull, but this is geared towards serious conversations.

Please take it elsewhere if you do not want to contribute something usefull.



now away w/ you, child. :p

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QBQC17, you're both a child and a troll.. bitchass... {censored}ers like you are a dime a dozen. Go get bent.


Amory, I've been there before, and worse. I've been lied to, cheated on, had girls get {censored}ed up on various drugs and {censored} around with other guys while lying to me about it.


My most recent girlfriend broke up with me after I stayed with her in the hospital on almost a daily basis when she broke her back... Some women are dumb, some are stuck up, some are thankless. Be glad when you find one of the few that aren't.

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Originally posted by El Grinder

QBQC17, you're both a child and a troll.. bitchass... {censored}ers like you are a dime a dozen. Go get bent.

Amory, I've been there before, and worse. I've been lied to, cheated on, had girls get {censored}ed up on various drugs and {censored} around with other guys while lying to me about it.

My most recent girlfriend broke up with me after I stayed with her in the hospital on almost a daily basis when she broke her back... Some women are dumb, some are stuck up, some are thankless. Be glad when you find one of the few that aren't.




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Originally posted by sapphireskiss




+99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 (u get the picture)


I think I know EXACTLY the feeling you're talking about Amory. And it's the {censored}ing worst feeling in the world. Like, after a while, you'd almost prefer to know she was cheating on you, just so long as you KNOW.


course, you do know now, so that's good.


anyhow, good luck. And turn the amp up a notch for me, ok?

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Thanks guys, hopefully i'm going over there today to talk to her about it, even if it is over, i'd rather just hear that than sit over here not knowing really what's up.


Until then i'll keep up on abusing these tubes with mucho decibels.


El Grinder, i've been in that area too and i really don't think it's the case this time. But you never can be too sure...


Later everyone,


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...and if your wife reads this...:eek:


dude, everybody goes through the same {censored}...and why? well, boobs, i guess.


just broke up with the kinda-girlfriend and have spent lots of time with friends and just being alone, and now i want my 1.5 years back that i basically wasted figuring out that i was, well, wasting my time!


plus, music never argues or refuses to put out.



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Originally posted by El Grinder

Amory, I've been there before, and worse. I've been lied to, cheated on, had girls get {censored}ed up on various drugs and {censored} around with other guys while lying to me about it.

My most recent girlfriend broke up with me after I stayed with her in the hospital on almost a daily basis when she broke her back... Some women are dumb, some are stuck up, some are thankless. Be glad when you find one of the few that aren't.


lmao. sucks to be you. :p

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Originally posted by jimfowler
...and if your wife reads this...


Yeah i was thinking that too:)...well it's officially over but this time hasn't been as rough as previous break-up's...guess i'll be playing guitar waay more now....had a jam today and realized that my knowledge of gear has increased ten fold and yet my chops need a little work. Time to learn more scales and write some new stuff...


Later everyone,




QBQC17 i still remain in thinking you are a {censored} face:eek:

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Originally posted by jimfowler

dude, everybody goes through the same {censored}...and why? well, boobs, i guess.

just broke up with the kinda-girlfriend and have spent lots of time with friends and just being alone, and now i want my 1.5 years back that i basically wasted figuring out that i was, well, wasting my time!

plus, music never argues or refuses to put out.




Yeah, Jim, I know what you mean, for me it's more like 2.5 years and nearly fifty thousand miles on my car. That's what I get for dating a girl that went to college two hours north of here...


QBQC17, you getting bent yet? If not, take a hint.

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Who let that retard-{censored}-douche-ass-inbred-toothless-moonshine snorting-not quite a proto-hominid but less than the worst of modern humans POS, out of the AMPS FORUM!!!!????? Sheesh... what ever genetic material made that {censored}-wad was probably scraped off the backside of the toiletseat at the truckstop in Retardville! And thats an insult to Retardville, no less.




Amory say whatever you want in this forum and pay no mind to the entity called QB...whatever.:D

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sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. :p jesus christ you folks take the internet way too {censored}ing seriously. mommy, this bad man on the internet made fun of me and called me stupid. puhleez :rolleyes:

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Get your spiritual house in order however you decide you should do it. It's when you put so much value into one area of your life that you set yourself up for these huge let downs. Physical relationships are important but there is so much more to your personal well being. JMHO


Good luck

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