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FCB1010 or MidiMate?

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I have a MIDI Mate. I want to hook up an expression pedal to it. While the MIDI Mate is a cool unit, would it be a mistake to just lose that unit and go with a Behringer FCB1010? The thing has 2 expression pedals built in, it seems like a no brainer. But I have heard (sometimes with no specific details) to avoid the FCB1010 in general.


Any advice?

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I had a midimate, and I now have a FCB1010. Of the two I liked the midimate best, mainly due to its ease of use and display. For some unknown reason it quit working, which is bad news when you have 2-3 shows every week and no time to get it repaired (I don't think this is typical as our other guitarist has used his for at least 5 years with no problems).


The FCB1010 is slightly more difficult to program, and the display is pretty much nonexistant. Never really use the expression pedals because 1) can't quite get them to work the way I want and 2) don't really use continuous control that much anyway. I also dislike the fact that there's no phantom power and a relatively short power cord.


The main reason I went with the FCB1010 is that it works for what I need it for, which is basically patch changes and it is much less expensive than the midimate (so even if it does break I'm not out that much).


I think if you have a reliable midimate you would be much happier just adding a pedal to it. Here's the final rundown of midimate over FCB1010:

1) You already have a midimate, if it's reliable then stick with it.

2) You'll miss the display of the midimate if you go with the 1010.

3) The midimate takes up alot less real estate on stage

4) Phantom power = less cords (good thing)

5) Midimate is easier to lug around and more sturdy

6) The midimate has much better tone than the FCB1010 (ok ok, that's a joke)

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Not to mention that if you have the slightest bit of soldering skills, the FCB 1010 is easily modded to run on phantom power.


I've had mine running on phantom power since I bought it.


Also...maybe I got lucky, but I've never had one problem with my exp. pedals...I never even had to do the calibration...but I hear that fixes the majority of exp pedal woes.


I think the FCB 1010 is a great unit...Yeah, I'd like a better display...but who can complain when you look at the price.

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62reissue - I too have been working on such a system.


I use a Triaxis => G Major => either Mesa 20/20 or Peavey 50/50.


I currently use the Midimate for my controller.


Phantom power and robustness are important criteria for me in selecting controllers.

I've looked at Behinger's unit and just never laid down any $ for one.


As for the midimate/triaxis, I think a lot of it has to do with what your using for an expression pedal.


I just modified an Ernie Ball volume pedal with a 50k ohm pot for expression use last night. :D

(Thanks Jim Fowler)

EB uses high ohm pots which loose a lot in expression translation.



I'll be testing it out today.

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Originally posted by Musicman2000

I just modified an Ernie Ball volume pedal with a 50k ohm pot for expression use last night.
(Thanks Jim Fowler)

EB uses high ohm pots which loose a lot in expression translation.


Hey! I decided to stay the course with the MidiMate, and I now have an EB volume pedal coming. Could either you or Jim Fowler explain the 50k pot mod? Can I just get a 50k pot from any electronics shop for this thing?

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Originally posted by 62Reissue

Hey! I decided to stay the course with the MidiMate, and I now have an EB volume pedal coming. Could either you or Jim Fowler explain the 50k pot mod? Can I just get a 50k pot from any electronics shop for this thing?



OK Here's some ideas.

Look for a 50k or 100k ohm pentometer spelling? at any electronics store. Mine has a longer shaft than the original, but it poses no problems as the EB pedal allows for it.


(I made the prior mistake of searching and finding guitar pots by accident.)


Wiring it up in an EB pedal is (interesting)


In fact, even though I matched the wiring exactly, I had to loop the tension thread in reverse to get it to respond correctly.


You must use a stereo cable from the Rocktron to an expression pedal. Otherwise no expression pedal response. Rocktron manual.


Still tweaking the controller speed for pedal performance but 15 -25 milliseconds seem to be the best range.


Last note. It's worth doing and opens many doors for the Triaxis.

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