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What to do with a bad sounding JMP-1...?

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This is my setup:


Marshall JMP-1

Mesa 50/50


Mesa Standard 4x12


les pauls


it sounds... really bad. as much as i like mids i find myself cutting a lot out on this preamp because they don't sound good, at all. they sound harsh and undefined. The bass is usually ok, but it can get muddy sometimes. i've tried a boss eq pedal in the loop, and it doesn't help all that much. will new tubes help that much?

any suggestions? i also have a sonic maximizer, but found it also didn't help much. and no "just throw it in the trash" replies.


thanks for the help

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wow dude - Hmm maybe the power amp needs new tubes. My other gtr player used to run that same set-up and he got some jaw dropping tones - no EQ needed. If the power amp doesn't need retubing I'd get it looked at as well as the pre to be safe. If nothing is wrong (which I can;t imagine someone not liking that tone if they are into hi gain) I guess another option would be to get it modded. Trace@VooDoo Amps mods pres all the time - he modded a pre amp for Bill Staley (BStaley on here) Just a thought - but really there shouldn;t be any reason that set-up won't sound good other than something being wrong w the power or pre amp. Also check the power amp setting as well as these can be equally as powerful as the preamp settings. Good Luck and keep us posted -


Rai //


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Originally posted by Rai168

wow dude - Hmm maybe the power amp needs new tubes. My other gtr player used to run that same set-up and he got some jaw dropping tones - no EQ needed. If the power amp doesn't need retubing I'd get it looked at as well as the pre to be safe. If nothing is wrong (which I can;t imagine someone not liking that tone if they are into hi gain) I guess another option would be to get it modded. Trace@VooDoo Amps mods pres all the time - he modded a pre amp for Bill Staley (BStaley on here) Just a thought - but really there shouldn;t be any reason that set-up won't sound good other than something being wrong w the power or pre amp. Also check the power amp setting as well as these can be equally as powerful as the preamp settings. Good Luck and keep us posted -

Rai //



i guess i could try new power tubes, though it was last retubed in june with JJs, the preamp though i bought used, so i'm sure it could stand getting new tubes... man, this not having any money thing totally bites

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Originally posted by iFinishLast11

i guess i could try new power tubes, though it was last retubed in june with JJs, the preamp though i bought used, so i'm sure it could stand getting new tubes... man, this not having any money thing totally bites


As my good friend told me this summer, as previously I had told him how I tore my ACL playing a show jumping around and I didn;t have insurance to get surgery like I needed - he replied w " It's tough being Punk Rock." Totally made me feel a little less alone in the not having money struggle. I feel ya on the not having money thing is what I am trying to say. Trust me though it will be worth it when you do have the money and maintain that shit! ;) There's really no way to describe wether having found your own tone or you're using a great tone - it could be the worst day ever but you always have this one thing that brings you happiness. Hope you get that feeling when you get your amp running the way it should. Good luck man -


Rai //


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thanks for the replies guys, i'm gonna spend a whole day with it some time, but maybe it's just the way we practice is hurting it, the amps are all sitting on other cabs (so its a full stack, but only the top cab is attached) so the sound is going right to our ears, it always sounds better during shows, but still not how i'd like it to be.. hmm...

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I think you need to do a few things to get a great sound out of your setup. Start by using the bottom cab (as well) they project more tight lows and sound way different.


Also the 50/50 isn't the best sounding poweramp out there. But with a proper set bias (!!!), nice set of tubes (JJ's) and a few mods it can and will sound A LOT better. Especially the older types sound weak imo. The newer ones have a few mods done to it to get a tighter bass and a different presence if I remember correctly.


All these things are very important to make a 50/50 sound great. Cause weak lows and biting mids are the way I remember most "bad" 50/50 sounds. As said above, with the proper adjustments it will sound better.


As for the preamp. Try different tubes for this as well. They are not that expensive but can give you improvement. JJ's, EH or maybe the very latest set of Chinese tubes might breath live into your amp.


Last but not least: use quality cables. Thin speaker cables kill tone. Long high capacitance cables kill highs and make it lifeless. Either use low capacitance cables or even better add a buffer as soon as possible, such as an Axess Bs-2.



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run the marshall..od1 at drive 4-5...vol16..pres 0 terb o mid 4..bass1-2 boost on..then ADD..and i mean add either the mi audio overdrive over it....and tweak away....another option is the tc electronic....para eq pedal.....its can boost some freq..and take away the digitalness all in one sweep....have a pleasant day

and thank me later..

oh and another thing..if you use the effects loop...keep the mix at 3-4 but loop via a small mixer(cheapp beringer)..then itll work wonders!!!!!!!!!!

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With my JMP-1 I had to dump all of the treble, presence, and use a post EQ to pull a bit more high end off. That tamed it to where my 1960 Vintage 4/12 sounded warm at ear height. Most players have their cabinets hitting them in the ass.

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Originally posted by Taldaran

With my JMP-1 I had to dump all of the treble, presence, and use a post EQ to pull a bit more high end off. That tamed it to where my 1960 Vintage 4/12 sounded warm at ear height. Most players have their cabinets hitting them in the ass.



Exactly. You don't realize how much high end ear torture your sending out to everyone when you play through a straight cab and don't bother putting your head in front of the speakers to find out what's really going on. So I pretty much do the same thing with the EQ to get a nice smooth sound coming from the speakers, not bouncing around the room and eventually getting into my ear.

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I've had a couple of JMP1s and got great, balanced tones out of them, so don't give up...


If money's tight (and retubing the power amp will cost a fair bit) why don't you try a process of elimination?


Try your preamp with a friend's poweramp; try a friend's preamp with your poweramp; borrow a friend's guitar / cab / cables...in short, try to identify exactly where the problem lies before getting your wallet out.

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I have a jmp1 and a mesa Stereo 2:50 connected to a marshall 4x12. It sounds very good, and i can get a wider variety of sounds than with my dsl 100. I'm not talking about the 100 presets of the jmp1 against the 2 (x2) channels in the dsl. I'm talking about versatility.


I would get the Bob Greaves idea.

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Originally posted by Banzini

sell it.


No way!! :mad:




































































Dont waste the effort just throw it in the trash!!:D


Sorry I was late Billy C:D

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