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What is the best way of using a mono pedal with a stereo preamp


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just use the left return and the left output to the poweramp and you'll be fine. If you really need to use two cables to your poweramp, then use a y-split cable which goes from the fx pedal/device to both fx returns. But in most cases you won't need it, because the preamp is going to recognize only one fx return is used and is going to send the one fx return signal to both outputs. Great design.



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Originally posted by tubefreak

just use the left return and the left output to the poweramp and you'll be fine. If you really need to use two cables to your poweramp, then use a y-split cable which goes from the fx pedal/device to both fx returns. But in most cases you won't need it, because the preamp is going to recognize only one fx return is used and is going to send the one fx return signal to both outputs. Great design.




I don't see how you can have stereo effects with a preamp that has 2 fx returns that are the same point internally. All you can do with that is have two mono cabs on opposite sides of the room, but you're sending the same signal to both of them.


It seems if you really want stereo fx's, you have to use the Y-cable (and have the fx returns be two seperate internal ponts) or have a pre with 2 fx sends/returns.

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