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Thinking of making a rack...opinions wanted

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I'm thinking of doing this mainly because of versatility. The sounds I'd like to get are good SRV clean, Edge clean, Boogie Lead (Mark IV is perfect), blues lead, Marshall rhythm, recto rhythm. I'm thinking G-Major for effects and mesa 2:90 for a power amp cause I can do the simulclass thing which I like. In many ways the Mark IV might do what I need but I am questioning it's ability in the long run to do the rhythm sounds I need, especially the vox and marshall sounds (I could live with the leadchannel + EQ for mesa heavey rhythm). I am also thinking of a Triaxis, ADA MP-1 or JMP-1 or all of them to get the sounds I want. Admittedly, I know very little about rack gear so any suggestions are welcomed. I am doing many different styles these days and I primarily play strats although a les paul might be in the future. Mostly I need rock, pop and fusion/jazz sounds with a bit of blues and country too.



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Originally posted by Mr Ten

holy crap... just read the thread that i've responded to like 1000 times... just below this one, 4 pages long or so, maybe some helpful insight there?


Yeah, Tim, Mr Ten gave some great advice over there. I bet the thread I started, and Mr Ten gave life to, could be of some help.

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